Can push button start be replaced for normal key


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I'm a book purist... Nothing wrong with a Kindle/Nook/iPad at all; but I would far rather enjoy the actual book in all its glory than swipe a finger on-screen or press a button to flip pages.

A beautifully made hardbound leather book; the warm, inviting scent of well cared-for leather; the crisp, unblemished, gold-trimmed pages, hand-sewn binding with a nice satin page marker, carefully picked print designed to enhance the reading experience based on the book's material... The quality, craftsmanship and feel of a "REAL" book (no cheap paperback crap for me thanks :D ) will always outshine a mass-produced metallic simulacrum in my hands :thumbsup:

Dude, you better chill...your gonna get your pages stuck together. :D