Audi USA taking a pandering stand for equal pay


Honestly, I saw this thread and wasn't going to say anything because tbh about 3 years ago I decided to try my best to stay away from the news, most TV shows, etc...and with having a 3 and a half year old, I have to watch a lot of kids shows, which even some of those still have an underlying political bias.

With that all being said, I've never been a liberal, nor do I support most of what they stand for, but at the same time I have become a conspiracy theorist, which stands to reason because of my severe lack of trust in pretty much everyone.

When I would flip on the news on very rare occasions, it was amazing just how biased ALL stations are, no one actually reports the truth, not about the OPs story, not about anything. All news is based on bad, negative things, because that is what sells, that's what we want to see...good news is really nowhere to be found anymore. The president doesn't run this country, nor Congress, all of them are really just pawns in this game of power.

I believe in the right things, trying my best to do them, and not believing something simply because it gets ratings or because I'm told it is true. I still consider myself conservative, but I have to get Sci-fi here when I say if you take a step back and watch the matrix from the outside, it becomes quite interesting what you notice.