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  • hey babydubz,

    i was just wondering where did you go to get your resonator deleted?

    Hey wow I didn't even noticed you asked me about suspension b4! Hey I have a favor to ask... How did u put your plate toi the side? Mind showing me on sunday? I been trying that since I got the car, never got a clean look.
    hahaha no worries I understand.

    If you get it from the that website, that's $980 USD - > $1050 CAD + 5% GST -> $1100 + duty (let's say 15%?) -> about $1260

    I guess I can go around that price since you're local and I don't have to worry about paying for shipping , etc ...

    I can't really go any lower cause then i'd be losing out tons on my end = (
    Right now the interest rate is the same as last month, and I'll have no idea what next month will be, but that's irrelevant as there's ONE GTI in your configuration available (3 door, DSG, grey with sunroof only)! It's in warehouse stock in BC and any dealer can technically acquire it. Get it today or it's gone dude!! Just jump on it!
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