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  1. N

    Strange buzz when engine is off

    I'm sitting outside next to my car right now and keep hearing a buzz noise. I drove it over an hour ago and about every 30 seconds to a minute a hear a one second electronic buzz similar to the fuel pump priming but a little higher pitched. Sometimes it does it two or three times in a row...
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    No more GTI but still in the vw family

    Traded in my GTI the other day for a 2014 New CC. Still rocking the 2.0 TSI though :). Reason? I put well over 20k per year on my car and the roads around here are bumpy and straight. I figured with this much time in my car it should be comfortable. I was looking at what was on dealer lots in...
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    Help needed, is this a radiator leak?

    Had leaking coolant this morning and figured it was the water pump but when I jacked it up and took a look it appears to be coming from the radiator maybe. This is the view from below, the harness you see is the radiator harness and you can see the two fan guards to the right in the pic. Any...
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    Oem battery surprise

    Had to replace my battery, looked at AutoZone etc and most batteries were around 160 that fit, saw some posts that dealers were asking over 300 but decided to check my local dealer, 108 before tax? Maybe I have one of the few dealers that don't screw their customers. I actually saw his pricing...
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    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    I'm 39, and though I trained in mma, bjj and kick boxing like 10 years ago I hadn't done much of anything since 2006. In March I decided I had gained too much weight and dieting wasn't going to cut it. A friend had been doing Krav Maga and I decided to give it try. After 4 months I was down...
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    H&R SS+Koni Yellow vs ST coilovers:ride quality

    After always running stock height on my prior cars I'm looking to kill some of this wheel gap and tighten things up. A little background, I have put 55k on my 2012 so needless to say ride quality is a concern. From looking at pictures the drop from either of these is exactly what I would like to...
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    Stage 2 wont boost over 10psi, blow off sound

    Have the car on ramps now but looking to see if these symptoms sound familiar to anyone. Normal driving is fine but when get to 10 psi I hear air escaping from the passenger side and no more boost is made. I have a 2012 so I "think" I have the piston type dv, should know for sure in about 30...
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    Intercooler install help

    Trying to take the front off my brothers 2012 gli, on the gti, arent the condensor lines behind this structure? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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    Ford releases factory tune w/ warranty for Focus ST

    That's pretty cool. Not sure we are likely to see anything like this from VW, and if they did not at that price point.
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    APR drops Southbend?

    I decided to call my tuner today to check on my clutch warranty decision which has been dragged out about 2 months. He said no word yet but that things may be complicated by the fact that APR is no longer offering Southbend clutches. I checked their site and sure enough the dxd clutches are no...
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    The official Hate thread.

    I hate people who drive under the speed limit in the left lane. I hate suv drivers that drive 90 in the rain bc they feel safe in that big box that couldn't stop in enough time in perfect weather. I hate drivers that tailgate me in traffic when I too would like to go faster but figure let's not...
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    RSR Clutch Review (another)

    I figured I would review my new clutch setup, my prior clutch (DXD stage 2 daily) failed - (still waiting on APR for warranty - my tuner said they need to send the unit back to Southbend) The first thing you notice when starting the car is how...
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    Advertisement on this site

    If that were true the only ads I would see would be for porn. Just kidding, you correct, not all ads use cookies but a lot do, that's the industry my wife works in. Thats also why google can provide so much for "free". They sell ad space targeted to certain demographics. Sent from my SCH-I535...
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    WTB OEM Dual Mass Flywheel

    Thinking of switching my broke dxd clutch to an RSR clutch but need an oem flywheel. Anyone got one hanging around for cheap? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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    Need clutch issue help

    Went out on a drive just now, had an open section of road and decided to do a rare launch and check my 0-60 with Torque. Took off and went into second, rpms are near redline and I shift, as I'm going into 3rd I notice my speed is only 40 and the tach is up at redline again. I then notice it...
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    HELP A/C issue

    2012 GTI w/ 42k - so out of warranty. This morning I got in my car and noticed the A/C was blowing hot air. I also noticed that I didn't "hear" the compressor like I normally do (since going to my upgraded clutch it makes a bit more noise with the A/C on normally). I scanned with VagCom and...
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    Correct! I know people that can't believe I'm atheist, yet for all their church going they are the ones cheating, making racist comments etc. I always wonder, if they really believe in god, do they think he doesn't see through their bullshit? Back to the topic, it seems pretty arbitrary to draw...
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    Laptop down, help?

    I work in tech support and we use dells,I find their customer service to be pretty top notch. Power supply bad? No problem, we will send one out, do you need a tech to install it? Glad to hear they sent you out the disk, with Windows it really is easier sometimes to just reinstall instead of...
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    I drive a good bit (40k in 2 years) and encounter idiots like the all the time. Driving 10 under in the fast lane but then suddenly want to 10 over when you pass them? Really, a 20 mph difference? I just do my best to accept there is a lot of dumb drivers out there but on occasion some do get...
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    PODI disappointment with customer service

    I will try and not go into a long rant on this. So I bought a column guage kit back in April. On August 17th it begin giving all kinds of weird readings, boosting at 30 psi one time and low on others and then finally stopped reading anything. I used their web form to submit a complaint. In...