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  1. K

    3D Printer & C.A.D. Thread

    My son's gateway was the little Monoprice printer a couple of years ago, I think it was like $120. Then a Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo for last Xmas, and now the A1 this year. I'm sure the $1400 one is his next step, but that's way past the budget for an 11 year old.
  2. K

    3D Printer & C.A.D. Thread

    We bought my son the full size A1 for Xmas, he loves it. It's his 3rd printer, but by far the easiest to use and set up.
  3. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    I bought a 10 pack of these a little over a year ago, they are all still working fine. I used 8 of them in my 2 car garage, 4 per side running daisy chained on 2 separate outlets.
  4. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    That sucks. We get stuff at my work from OnTrac, and they will literally leave stuff anywhere on the dealership lot and mark it delivered. We'll find our box sitting outside a random door 2 or 3 days later. Or never find it at all. And fuck Jakeira.
  5. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    You freaked me out for a second there! I can't handle another Wednesday this week.
  6. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    I stopped keeping track after hawkeye, but apparently those were a thing...
  7. K

    Off Topic Random Chat v5.8 - Memes and Gifs Welcomed

    Mine was an 05, but same thing. I tried to make it the least amount of lesbian possible.
  8. K

    Off Topic Random Chat v5.8 - Memes and Gifs Welcomed

    This happened to me when I bought a Forester, I didn't drive it through a building. 🤣
  9. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    GF8 wagon for me please, I would love to have one of these imported...
  10. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    In 2019 I dislocated my knee playing softball. Almost lost my lower leg due to damaging the artery that goes through the knee. Luckily they fixed it and I got to keep the leg. Lots of other damage, had to reconstruct ACL, LCL,and PCL. Also caused nerve damage that never healed, I can't really...
  11. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    2562 is now, $155 with the battery...
  12. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    I work in parts at a Mazda dealer, I've seen some surprising things covered as goodwill.
  13. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    Did you order the Volk Racing decals separately? 😛 J/K they look great, I like the silver/blue combo.
  14. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    This is the best part, actually took the time to make arrows for the turn signals!
  15. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    2/4 is pretty good! I guess that means you are halfway to being my wife! LOL
  16. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    The 3 was Galaxy Gray, the 5 and the CX9 were Stormy Blue, and the CX5 is Titanium Flash.
  17. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    I didn't know they made Corrados that long ago. Or child seats, for that matter. :p And yes, I am much softer than I used to be.
  18. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    Since 2007, my wife has had 4 Mazdas in a row. 2007 Mazda 3, 2010 Mazda 5, 2007 CX9, and now a 2016 CX5. The first was bought new, the other 3 were used, with anywhere from 40K to 120K on them. None of them ever needed anything besides basic maintenance. I would get a used CX5 and call it a day.
  19. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    You will not like trying to fit child seats in the Mk7.5. Unless you are like 5 feet tall and you can slide the seat up all the way.
  20. K

    CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!

    Basically what we do as well, my score currently shows 836 (FICO). My wife and I only make about $150K per year combined, so not what I would consider high income. We use 2 cards monthly, one Discover and a Costco Visa. Pretty much everything we purchase on a daily basis goes on one of the...