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  1. jcarson112

    Clutch noise...

    Over the last month or so I've been hearing this irritating and rather questionable sound which I'm assuming is from the clutch. The best way I can describe the sound is like when you push back a chair that you're sitting in across a wood floor and the leg catches and makes that kinda...
  2. jcarson112

    Cleaning the rear wheel wells

    So because of the fall/winter season here in the NW the fabric wheel arches have picked up and held onto (quite tightly I might add) loads of pine needles and leaves that have been strewn across the road surface... I have a wheel well brush and have used it to the best of its ability. However...
  3. jcarson112

    Hood seems to be misaligned

    Passenger side is sitting well below the fender and the drivers side is sitting flush/a tad higher than the fender. What should I do to fix this issue? Take it to the dealer? Is it something easy like tightening/untightening some bolts to adjust? I pretty stupid when it comes to wrenches and...
  4. jcarson112

    New tint and fingerprints/smudges

    Never actually got an aftermarket tint job done so I figured I would just ask the "stupid question." Beneath the film there seems to be a few fingerprints and squeegee marks. I am hoping that this will go away as the laminate adheres to the window and dries out completely. PLEASE tell me this...
  5. jcarson112

    Dealership rant...

    So I'm sitting here in the waiting room(45mins now) and I just wanted to rant to some like minded folks. I mean Jesus C. I came in here to get a replacement foglight cover. I would have done it myself but the part was never on the car. Out of principle I felt I shouldn't have to pay for it...
  6. jcarson112

    Battery box

    It won't shut. Is there some frackin special way of getting this god forsaken box to shut? It's NEVER been shut all the way and while its not the biggest deal in the world it is beginning to nag me enough to bother me.
  7. jcarson112

    Windshield wipers

    Doesn't anyone else have RIDICULOUS amounts of chattering with the downstroke? Got caught in the rain for the first time on the way up to Seattle on Saturday and it was just terrible. Do you think maybe I could try and get a new pair from the dealer to see if its just this set of blades?
  8. jcarson112

    Finally got the time to clean him up! (lotsa pics :D)

    First, let me say that I LOVE TORNADO RED! Hides dirt so well! There now that that's out of the system, I took a few before and after pics. As I said above it was kinda hard to see the dirt so I really got in there with the lens so hopefully those pictures turn out. Didn't get to clean the...
  9. jcarson112

    The Funny/WTF Picture and Video Thread (SFW...for now)

    ^^ :lol: Leonardo was always my favorite
  10. jcarson112

    The Funny/WTF Picture and Video Thread (SFW...for now)

    ^^ Proof that cartoons have gone to shit. Well sort of, kinda odd but still cartoons back in the day were sooo much better.
  11. jcarson112

    What's your favorite tv show

    Top Gear, True Blood, Hung, Leverage, Merlin Couple others but, meh
  12. jcarson112

    Bentley service manuals...

    As I am not the most mechanically inclined, I tend to not feel comfortable doing anything but the most basic things (changing oil, tires, etc) without a detailed step by step from respectable manuals. Was wondering if anyone knew when the mkvi service manual could be released? I know its a long...
  13. jcarson112

    Holy Sheet!

    :threadjacked: Crazy mofo lol!
  14. jcarson112

    Holy Sheet!

    Oh by the way... the dude did survive that crash. Don't know how as the car was split into 3 pieces.
  15. jcarson112

    Holy Sheet!

    Happened in Ohio recently. Not sure on the story but the video is ridiculous! Someone added some lame music but the vid was from a trooper dash cam. hesp2CckNMs
  16. jcarson112

    It's like ...

    It's like ten-thousand spoons when all you need is a knife?
  17. jcarson112

    Siping, yay or nay?

    Just was curious to the overall opinion on tire siping. Is it a good idea with high(er) performance tires?