11,000 Posts Later... Quads Tell-A-Tale


Go Kart Champion
Thanks for the luv :wub:

I got some pics I have to upload and post here from a cruise we did awhile back.

Would love to see pics. 100% honest with you here, this has to be one of the cleanest and most gorgeous Mk6 Golfs I think I have ever seen. I'm loving it haha.


Go Kart Champion
Would love to see pics. 100% honest with you here, this has to be one of the cleanest and most gorgeous Mk6 Golfs I think I have ever seen. I'm loving it haha.

It's the quads.


Go Kart Champion


Go Kart Champion
How much you thinking for the quads V2C? I know it's a lot you gotta give me time to save up for them.


Go Kart Champion
Quadzilla nooooooooooooooo :(


Go Kart Champion
Hey guys, Vancity told me he is selling the car and is doing a part out very soon. I will be making a part-out thread for him since he can't. He said he will email me the parts for sale soon. He basically said almost everything is for sale. Sorry to see you go Vance. :(


Go Kart Champion
Hey guys, Vancity told me he is selling the car and is doing a part out very soon. I will be making a part-out thread for him since he can't. He said he will email me the parts for sale soon. He basically said almost everything is for sale. Sorry to see you go Vance. :(

I'm going to buy errrrythang


Ready to race!
RIP in piece quadzilla.