Euro-Elitist Moderator
from teh tex'

Third Annual Mount Baker Spring Cruise
Hey guys it is that time of the year again! Last year was a great turn out, I want to thank everyone for being such good
sports! Also want to throw out a thank you to last years sponsors: SK MOTOR SPORTS, ROGER JOBS VW/AUDI, HARDWARE SALES
BOUNDRY BAY BREWERY, IKO PACIFIC INC. Throught the raffle proceeds we were able to donate 420.00 to the whatcom Humain society!
This years cruise is going to be on May 16th. We will be meeting in the usual spot at 9:00am. The address is 300 Bellis Fair Prkwy Bellingham WaWe will be hanging out for about an hour and departing from this location around 10am.
Please make sure to show up to the meeting location with everything that you are going to need, gas, snacks, drinks, etc.
This years raffle proceeds is going to benifit Endocopic Pulmonary Fibrosis. The raffle tickets again will be 1.00 a piece.
This year so far, I have gotten Steve at SK Motorsports on board for some donations. I am going to go and talk to Roger Jobs
again and see if they can pitch in! Also got a call into H&R, will talk to harmony motorworks. If any one else has any suggestions for sponsors please let me know!
This year at the top of the mountain we are thinking about doing a BBQ for a donation of 5 dollars you would get a Hamburger, chips and pop...again proceeds going to our benifit
Time line of how I would like things to pan out
Meeting: 9:00am
Departing: 10:00am
Arriving on the mountain:11-11:30am(Depending on traffic)
Mingle and eat some food:12:00pm
Raffle of prizes:1:00pm(must be present to win raffle)
after that you are free to do what ever it is you wanna do!
Drive carefully and safely!! I cannot stress enough the importance of how this is to be a safe drive. WSP and Whatcom County Sheriffs will be patrolling the roads that we are going to be driving
I know that we are going to be driving a mind boggling fun road, and you will do so at your own risk! But please remember that you are representing the VW community! We want this to be a safe and fun drive!
Here is a map of the route, if you would like to print out a copy of the directions please do so, I will not have print outs of the directions!
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