Ready to race!
These mounts were installed along with my APR KO4 kit. They have approximately 15,000 miles on them and all proper torque specs were followed upon instillation. I've tried to contact SPM several times over the past months but it was only until recently going to some lengthy efforts to get a response through a vendor of there's that I FINALLY got a response saying they couldn't do anything for me and that the mounts were back ordered. Needless to say the complete lack of customer service, sub par quality of these mounts has led me to completely boycott buying anything from SPM again. I m not saying all there products are bad but there complete lack of customer support in this matter has been the determining factor for my lack of desire to ever want to deal with this again. I started sending them emails as soon as I noticed the mount was started to come apart about 3 months ago and today it finally let go.
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