classic euro wheels


Passed Driver's Ed
im about to pick up my MK6 and im goin to lower it 1" all the way around and im looking for a classic euro racing wheel to stick under there. im new to the euro scene and i want to stick with heretige and not rice out my car, at the same time im on a bit of a budget. so if yall can help me out that would rule thanks alot



classic euro wheels?

almost anything made by bbs...


Passed Driver's Ed
yea ive looked into bbs i really like the RG-R series and the RS 3 piece but they are a tad bit pricy. also the Rial Daytona. i really like the VMR style wheels too i just cant find prices on those. i really like the look of three piece wheels but of course dont have the doe for um.


Go Kart Champion
I'm not a fan of the rivot look, but that's just me.

I prefer simpler designs and I believe the lip thing is played out for the most part. I say this with a car that has wheels with polished lips (that I bought two years ago).

Right now, I'm diggin a lot of the wheel design by VMR wheels. Google them and check out their website, if you have not already.


i try and stay away from reps if possible... been there done that :thumbdown:


Passed Driver's Ed
yea im not too fond of the pollished look myself tho i mean im into auto cross and performance as apposed to looks so thats why im looking for a light wheel with a classic euro look that would mix a little old school heritage with a little new school flavor

im sorry what do you mean by reps?


Go Kart Champion
the VMR 710s are reps of the HRE P40.

That said, I've heard very good things about VMR wheels.

If you're looking to autocross, get 17", light wheels. They'll be cheaper and rubber is cheaper as well, and they'll be lighter than 18s, which will help in autocross. Also be sure to check ET and width to make sure you're still within autocross specs if you're planning on racing stock or ST.


Go Kart Champion
I've lusted for those V710s for a couple years (wanted them on my last ride too - B7 A4 Avant). There are a few VMR designs I would love to get for the GTI, but having the 18" Detroit wheels with all season performance tires are making me think twice about spending more money on a wheel mod.

HREs are without a doubt incredible wheels, but the price for admission is too steep for me.


Passed Driver's Ed
VMR or Raderworks or OZ's on a budget...BBS, Einkei,Works, or any non Reps if on a much higher budget


Go Kart Champion
I just wish VMR made 17s - I'm not sure I want to go with 18s with the quality of roads here. I can afford expensive wheels, but not expensive wheels I need to repair every year.


Go Kart Champion


Passed Driver's Ed
if youy did the 710 17s with a 1" coil over system would that look pretty good? i havent seen too many autocross mk6's yet. o and what size tire would you guys run on that 710