Compliments on GTI from Strangers?

How many times has a stranger on the street complimented your GTI?

  • Never!

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • Once.

    Votes: 12 6.2%
  • A couple times.

    Votes: 108 55.7%
  • A hell of a lot, now that I think about it!

    Votes: 59 30.4%

  • Total voters

Aries Pope

Ready to race!
How often has a random stranger complimented you or asked you about your GTI?

At least twice for me in a couple months of ownership:

1) The other day at a light the dude in the car next to me gestured to me, so I rolled down the window and he asked if my wheels (Serrons on the 2012 Autobahn) were aftermarket or came with it. I told em they came with the new top model --- said they looked great and much better than the "standard" GTI wheels thought he liked those too.

2) Couple months ago, the hotel valet at a four star hotel asked me how I liked the GTI as a daily driver when he picked it up for me. Said he was always impressed when he got to drive them and was considering getting one himself (this in a place full of AMG Mercedes and Lexuses... Lexi.... whatever....)

Anyone else experience this? No one ever asked about my Civic or Forester. :)


Ready to race!
went to 7-11 and I was parked right up front, it was later at night. the other clerk looked out, and asked if that car was mine. I said, yes. when I walked out, he walked out w/ me, and started asking me questions about it. Thought the Detroits were an option. :D. He was surprised that the only thing I got added was the DSG.

I've gotten a few thumbs ups in stop lights...


New member
Yeah I think it is funny because it is a nice car I love it but I have never recieved so many compliments about any other car I have owned and I am completly stock. I have been asked 3-4 times if my seats are custom ( I have the cloth plaid ) I get comments on the detroits all the time even though I have the itch to replace them. And on two different occasions I have come out of a store to find someone hovering around my car. One was an older gentleman who was looking at one for his son and asked me some questions and another was a guy and his girlfriend. He was interested in one for himself.

It is weird to me because I have stopped to check out exotic cars when I run across them in the wild but I never thought the gti would attract so much attention. I guess people recognize a good thing when they see it. ;)


IceCream GTI
Not many people expect much from the GTI, heck! some people consider a maxima more sporty because it has a V6...that's how ignorant people are here.

Only westerns seem to like it.


Go Kart Champion
Yeah I think it is funny because it is a nice car I love it but I have never recieved so many compliments about any other car I have owned and I am completly stock. I have been asked 3-4 times if my seats are custom ( I have the cloth plaid ) I get comments on the detroits all the time even though I have the itch to replace them. And on two different occasions I have come out of a store to find someone hovering around my car. One was an older gentleman who was looking at one for his son and asked me some questions and another was a guy and his girlfriend. He was interested in one for himself.

It is weird to me because I have stopped to check out exotic cars when I run across them in the wild but I never thought the gti would attract so much attention. I guess people recognize a good thing when they see it. ;)

The few times I got positive comments on the car from strangers was when I had the detroits, and later I got a few comments on how 'low' (lol, b/c I'm not really 'low') the car was.

Gotten my share of negative comments too. e.g. 'why'd you buy a wagon(!)?' or, 'If you were gonna spend almost 30 grand, you coulda got a Bimmer or Audi, why dinya?'


Go Kart Champion
Quite a bit, actually. I really get a kick out of it, too. You have cars out there that cost quite a bit more than likely don't garner the owners of them as many compliments. I think it's the relative uncommon nature of these cars, the unique look (not overdone and loud, just unique) and the surprising performance. I get an equal number of comments from people in parking lots as I do from people at red lights that just witnessed me open the car up and get on it.


Go Kart Champion
Happens all the time. I'm pretty much stock.


Go Kart Champion
A guy in his late 30s in a speed3 followed me weaving thru slow traffic to pull beside me and give the old smile nod. His tween daughter was next to him giving that "dad you're stupid" look. Haha we car guys are a bit dorky :)


Go Kart Champion
The few times I got positive comments on the car from strangers was when I had the detroits, and later I got a few comments on how 'low' (lol, b/c I'm not really 'low') the car was.

Gotten my share of negative comments too. e.g. 'why'd you buy a wagon(!)?' or, 'If you were gonna spend almost 30 grand, you coulda got a Bimmer or Audi, why dinya?'

Well you can get an old one for 30G.


Ready to race!
All the time.

I've owned a few veh's that get similar reactions. 2 different modified 4 door Wranglers and a modified Commander. Those plus the GTI have people commenting all the time. The interesting thing about that is that the GTI is stock. Another interesting thing is that I never got one comment on my old FX35 AWD sport, G35x or my wifes FX35 AWD tech. Those cost $15K - $20K more than the GTI. LOL.

People always comment on the Detroits, and ask if they're aftermarket. People that owned previous gen GTI's comment on it, then talk about how borring their current car is.

Evil Genius

Ready to race!
Quite often! My car is usually, almost always clean :)
Driving around in NYCity I'm always getting stares, ppl actually taking pictures of my ride.
It's a great feeling and I know she loves the attention. Riding in Times Square at night, with all those lights reflecting off of my gloss black ride, definitely an eye catcher.

Mods: Apr stage 1• LED Tails • Detroits painted gloss black/ clear coat• debaged


Ready to race!
Day one of owning my car when I was grabbing a parking sticker at town hall. Random guy rolls down his window as I'm getting in the car and just says "that's a sick car, man."

A girl at work the other day saw my car parked all alone at then end of the lot and, not knowing it was mine, said "who's car is that?".

It's a very fun feeling that doesn't get old.

Oh, and everyone thinks the Detroits are an option. Always.