Autocross Champion
How do you feel having such a slow car? You think you're fast huh little boy racer? Well i got news for ya, welcome to therealfuckingdeal.com. ive been gapping spark plugs longer than you've been getting gapped by priuses. Bigger gaps than what i see between your moms thighs. Who needs a turbo when you have 14.1.0 compression fittings. And a superturbo on top of that. Plus nitrous. Get clipped, lil ugly ass bitch. Do you like covering your car in ricer decals, acting like your sponsored by nos? Thats cute. I invented nos. So i would know if you were sponsored and you are not. Go back to one wheel peels in the parking lot, pipsqueak. Saturn called, they want their piston rings back. I could do donuts around your shitty rustbucket while taking you on at the dragstrip, go home take a rwo hour shit, come back and still run a 10 second 1/4 mile. Youd still lose. I built it first then took all your money and built another, guess what, its built and bought. Did you hear that? Me neither. Thats the sound of people that think your car is fast. Now just imagine going head to head against me in my mustang ss gt. Youre gonna bite pavement punk.