CSB: Vu - Local Forum n00b Questions Forum Unwritten Rules - New Pope Being Elected

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Autocross Champion
I pay every year.

This is the result of policies supporting tax cuts and trickle down economics - they fuck everybody below the threshold. I’ll see myself out on rule 1.
That's you tho.

I'm asking our bro from CT who gets paid hourly.


Autocross Champion
That's not right tho.
There’s a line where they want to make the people they fuck the most feel better by giving them a refund. Make more than that line, you end up owing money unless you designate an amount of extra withholding every check.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
I wish I could get a brodeal on a Spektrum R


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Sorry (to anyone to cares) that I haven't been on for the last good couple days. Lots of work on my plate, haven't had the energy to shitpost.

I still got love for yall though real talk ong


Autocross Champion
gib me traffic purp

I'm a basic bitch. 91 Blue is my fav Spektrum color, despite being close to CFB. Which just shows how awesome CFB is as a color. But if I had a chance for a deal on one of the purple ones, I'd go for. Not my fav, but still has the cool uniqueness factor.


Autocross Champion
I've got a buddy with a violet Spektrum R, and man is it gorgeous in person. I'd love to get an R for a daily driver, it's the only way I can stomach the mk8 -- I'm not a fan of the exterior nor the interior, and looking for an AWD daily that's cheap on maintenance. I'm likely buying a CX-30 though, Soul Red is another color that's very standout IMO and the 2.5 is damn good for an inexpensive to maintain, reasonably reliable engine. And Mazda's interiors have gotten great in the last decade or so.

If I had to choose, Cliff Green or Raspberry Red are definitely in the upper end of Spektrum colors for me.
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