Pic?RSQ8's look cool as fuck in certain colors with the 23" wheels.
n00bI'm so late to the party, but I'm deep into MF DOOM now. I've listened to a little bit here and there and always liked his music. On sunday I was home all day playing video games, so I threw on some MF DOOM and ever since then it's all I want to listen to.
better late than latern00b
He's got the best skits. All the songs with the old timey super hero/villain stuff is the best kind of vibe.
Captain Murphy had bangers too
this is why you only buy USA-made jumper cables, zhongzhongs may have quality defects like being wrapped around a springWtf help
aliexpress, see if any of them will send you snacksSo which zhong zhong wheel is the best?
Asking for a friend
Samesies, my brothers lawn has naturally become ~40% clover and he says fuck it it looks nice and I agreeClover is fantastic and I've been trying to encourage it