Group Buy: Depo R LED Taillights

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Ready to race!
ETA for the restock of Cherry Tails?


Ready to race!
No ETA at this time. I do have the one blem set available if your interested. Otherwise I have no timeline of a new batch at this time.

Yeah was interested in that, just don't have access to VAGCOM so I couldn't code it.


Ready to race!
Hey Joseph. I have a couple questions about the black smoke tails. Sorry if these have been asked before:
1. I see the ones in stock are the euro style with rear fog. Is that red bulb swapable with a regular white reverse bulb if I don't want to use it as a reverse fog?
2. I'm already coded to allow for led tails without any resistor packs. Are the resistor packs for these optional? If so can I plug them into the preexisting LED tail light adapter? (a picture of the back of the outer tails would actually be useful to see what the plugs look like)



Ready to race!
Hey Joseph. I have a couple questions about the black smoke tails. Sorry if these have been asked before:
1. I see the ones in stock are the euro style with rear fog. Is that red bulb swapable with a regular white reverse bulb if I don't want to use it as a reverse fog?
2. I'm already coded to allow for led tails without any resistor packs. Are the resistor packs for these optional? If so can I plug them into the preexisting LED tail light adapter? (a picture of the back of the outer tails would actually be useful to see what the plugs look like)


The LED is built in and cannot be replaced. If you coded your car you do not need the resistors and can just leave them unplugged. I believe the lights can be used with OEM style LED adapters but haven't confirmed myself.


New member

I have a question. When I start my car, it seems that the lights go thru a process and blink a couple of times, before working normally. Do you know if this is some sort of diagnostic "self check" with the ECM that they go through since these do not require coding? My wife pointed it out to me the other day and took a video for me so I could see for myself. This all completes before I can get out my car and look for myself.

I can text/email you the video if you like.

Just curious if this possibly an issue or normal operation, since I didn't read all the pages of this thread.


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The Fixer
Chris, it's part of the cold diagnostics and perfectly normal. If it bothers you, you can remove the resistors and change the coding for LED lights.


New member
That is what I figured. Not an issue for me, I just wanted to know or make sure that something was not faulty.

Thanks for the quick response!


The Fixer
You're welcome. I bought some used and did the coding, saw my turn signals flicker and found those were changed to led too. Something to be aware of.

[Old User]

Go Kart Champion

Blach cherry on shadow blue.

Fit was not great but they don't leak & the lighting looks awesome. Decent lights for the price for sure.

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