Go Kart Champion
Tickets suck. Fortunately I have only had one speeding ticket (back in 2007), and it was well deserved (doing 120-125). The officer was nice (oddly nice) and only wrote me down for 100, which in California is just a regular infraction on highways (city limits may be different) and prosecuted the similar as going 80 in a 65 or 70. Walked away with a $180.00 fine (nice judge), but couldn't do traffic school since I was more than 25mph over the limit, thus a point on my license. At least I avoided the 200-300% penalty tax, night in jail, and impounded car of a 101mph and over ticket. (California Laws, other states and territories may be different)
So that being said, I can't really judge anyone for getting a ticket since i'm just as guilty most of the time. But if you are going to speed, have the little friend in a black box hanging from your windscreen that will chirp at you when roadside bandits are waiting (like a all tools, radar detectors are only as good as the person using them). Usually can avoid a ticket if you are careful around areas that highway patrol or state troopers are likely to hide. And don't speed on a road you don't know. Naturally don't drive like an ass in heavy traffic since that is considered reckless driving and generally stupid.
oh damn cali is lenient compared to virginia for traffic laws, i have a friend that almost got in prison for "aggressive driving" instead he got a suspended license for 60 days along with 200 fine (will go prison for 180 days if caught again), due to a lawyers compromise with judge. can't wait to move out of VA for good, shady state with overly stupid laws!