Gunmetal's GTI build thread....its toite like a tiger


Go Kart Champion
haha........for reals lol

Who knows....maybe it would of stopped it just enough if there were actual clear bra on it. lol.

Too hell with it. I'm getting new wipers tomorrow too....and if I'm still not cheered up I'm ordering that grill. Better to be broke and happy lol


Go Kart Champion
Thanks man. Trying to keep it going.
Here is a shot of the delete. Ill post the rest of the pics in the beginning for now.

Rear seat delete by EURO KREATIONS

The guy that makes these and a few other things on there is Dan. Good guy to deal with. You can get in touch with him fairly easy and discuss what you want.

He added in the raised GTI lettering and I requested the carpet in black to match what I had.
He also boxed out an area on the back side of the delete so I could mount my Amp and capacitor.

The cutout is light weight for sure but sturdy enough to serve its purpose.
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Go Kart Champion
Will also be making a couple new exhaust vids as I am now running the side pipe wide open right now without ecen the cutout bolted on. It just has a nice turndown on it and sounds great. Ill try to post some asap but im just working so much its been hard to do anything.


Ready to race!
Will also be making a couple new exhaust vids as I am now running the side pipe wide open right now without ecen the cutout bolted on. It just has a nice turndown on it and sounds great. Ill try to post some asap but im just working so much its been hard to do anything.

interested in hearing these clips. Could you post a pix of the under side, I'm curious how you configured the cut out


Go Kart Champion
There is one pic already up but you may have missed it because the blockoff plate was on when I took the pic. I won't be under the car again till late least not on a lift.
The catback was dropped and the cutout piece was cleanly welded in to give almost a factory or "manufactured" look. It was also the only way to fit everything cleanly as well. The cutout motor and wiring itself sits above the pipe because there is the most space and its just more logical that way. I should of took some vids at the meet last night but I was just lazy. I'll get them in soon enough though.


Go Kart Champion
A few updates to add this week are as follows:
Deleting the oval resonator in the downpipe tomorrow....

Flat black 3m wrapping the roof and hood

Got a black badge for the rear VW emblem

New grill on the way

Re tinted windshield as I just got another one

Also new 8mm hr spacers on the way.

Installing those and adding some more camber to about 2.3

Dropping the oil, rotating the tires, then going to the track next friday.

Just a small update...

will post pics or vids when I can....I really need to make a walk around vid or something since its been a while.


Go Kart Champion
Other update to add to the last one..

Also wrapped the hatch and I will get pics this weekend as soon as the grill is finished.

I've been lazy, tired, and busy all at the same time.


Also getting the car CORNER BALANCED next week.

Yes I said.....CORNER BALANCED........because RACECAR.

Aside from that......I'll start the K04 countdown sometime in september....after I post up some pics.


Go Kart Champion
Small update:

Got the grill in.

Got a good amount of vinyl work done

Exhaust is louder with cutout open or closed. I'm only running one small resonator and one muffler now.

Yes I need to make pics and vids.....its been forever.

I'm an a$$hole for taking so long.

And its probably going to rain all day tomorrow but if it doesn't I'll probably get some done or at least or friday.

I'm in a holding pattern waiting for the show in OC

All I need to do now is order a sticker or too haha.
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Go Kart Champion
Pics and vid! :D


Ready to race!
su su su subbed for inspiration to get off my ass


Go Kart Champion
the coupler's from the (APR) intake to and from the MAF look good -- where did you get them? my snorkel from the MAF to the stage II pipe from APR SUCKS, was a bitch to try and stretch -- I'd love to find a solid longer replacement!


Go Kart Champion
the coupler's from the (APR) intake to and from the MAF look good -- where did you get them? my snorkel from the MAF to the stage II pipe from APR SUCKS, was a bitch to try and stretch -- I'd love to find a solid longer replacement!

The first pipe is a stage 2 bsh pipe. I attached the maf housing to that with a silicon coupler from that pipe. Then there is a piece of 3 inch aluminum intake piping coming off of that to the apr stage 1 box.

I actually cut back the flimsy neck of the apr stage one intake. I cut about three to four inches of it off with a hack saw. lol

It worked out great for me but I wouldn't recommend it for everyone since its a risky cut. Its much stronger to clamp to that way.
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Go Kart Champion
Just installed five RSE05 Neuspeed Wheels.

Including the full sized spare in the trunk. 17x8

Also Dynamatted from under rear seat all the way to hatch every inch last week. Definitely worth it.

Relocating stock piston valve to front post fmic next week.

Installing new catch can lines instead of heater hose as well.