Gunmetal's GTI build thread....its toite like a tiger


Go Kart Champion


Go Kart Champion
Couple mod updates:
Got new center caps to install
Wrapped some interior pieces with Carbon fiber Dinoc


I'm getting a second IN FLOOR UBER STEALTH BOX!! This one will match the one on the drivers side so I will be running two 10 inch pioneers. I'm really happy with the performance of the first sub as is and now with all the dynamat it really shines.

Also getting a new amp with almost triple the power of what I'm running now. Hope to have pics up in a few weeks as I'm still waiting on parts.


Go Kart Champion
Hunt valley v dub. Best one so far. Cooke was ok until they started getting doushey.

Im just out of warranty now but Hunt Valley impressed me the most. Plus they are an Audi dealer as well.

Cooke is actually a Unitronic dealer as well


Go Kart Champion
ha....I know... Thanks for the reminder. I've changed shit around so much......I will make some in the car vids and eventually some out of the car in the next two to three weeks. Right now I have the dump pipe running out the side all of the time. I've changed up so much from the original setup that I never get around to making vids....

Right now I have a bottle resonator to a oval resonator from ultimate racing and then side pipe......then just two small ultra quiet resonators in the rear. I finally delete the rear axle res.

I have an appt on the 10th to completely bring the side exhaust to the side of the car with a slash cut tip. Its going to be flush and not ghetto looking. Also going to put an Aero resonator in where the bottle res is and maybe put one where the oval one is too.

Still not cat of course-


Ready to race!
Wow, you are the exhaust God! I've never seen anyone make so many modifications of the exhaust system!

Can you kindly post a picture where the entire exhaust system can be seen? I'm quite mixed up with the final setup.

Why did you decide to go with the cut-out configuration? You seemed to be very happy with the initial UR setup...

This is my final setup. Sounds nice and loud but it began droning quite noticeably from 3-4K RPM after I switched to K04 (I guess that is the result of the increased gas pressure). I would appreciate if you could give me a piece of advice on that.



Go Kart Champion
Hey man thanks for the kind words. I don't have any super recent pics...there are some throughout the whole thread that give you a better idea but right now I have it straight piped to an oval muffler in the center mid pipe a foot or so before the catback flange. Then of course it goes to the side pipe which I typically block off in the winter. I took out the resonator so thats straight now. Then its just two ultra quiet oval mufflers in the back with 4 inch tips. I do have a rear section with smaller resonators that I sometimes bolt on the back of the last flange just to mess around because its just two bolts.

As far as the drone. Its tough to get rid of it without a cat and three inch exhaust. I would say move that oval muffler back more because sometimes positioning can actually create drone. You could move that one back and then if it still drones...add a thin round 12 inch or less bottle resonator right before it. I don't like to put mufflers too far up in the downpipe anymore becaause they take away all the growl..

Yes I was happy with the original setup but its fun to play around and sometimes you want it just a little louder.. The orig was nice though.. still kinda loud but no drone ha. Does get pretty mean now though...its a different sound all together