Lucky condensation is nothing we have shied away from. We provide information with links in the first post of this thread as well as purchase advisories letting end users know this may be an issue.
Depo includes paperwork inside the packaging advising on causes of condensation. Now we have gone back and forth with folks about whether condensation is normal or not and to each their own. Volkswagen is a lot more qualified than we may be here at OPDparts but Volkswagen themselves cannot prevent this issue and will not cover it under warranty because it is a natural occurrence. Climates play a large roll on this as well, the east coast suffers a lot more than the west coast does due to humidity. Volkswagen now includes a blurb within the owners manual describing condensation as normal. Theirs words not mine.
Now the reason we advise on Silica packs is because we learned that Acura uses these in their OEM headlight assemblies. We didn't just make this up and so we gave it a try and have found really good success with this. For it to work though, you must dry your headlight unit completely. Absolutely dry and not a drip of water then apply the silica packs and others can confirm. Here is an Acura post about this:
Now regarding the high beam issue, this is an issue. I agree 100% and we have offered from the beginning to take the lights in an repair them ourselves to make them right. I have even taken in second hand lights not purchased from us to help those in need or at least provide the info to correct the issue. Lucky we offered to repair your lights and we were declined, we try our best to help out.