Legit Radar Detector?


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It isn't worth it unless you put down real money.


New member
radar detector = more tickets .... they are a scam .. they dont work ... well they work but you will still be getting tickets. although they do seem to save you money ... like when i was doing 120 and it went off .. i slowed down and got tagged at 90mph .. so it saved me some cash .. lol . but i still got the ticket ...


Go Kart Champion

FN in MT

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Standard old Doppler radar units are INSTANT ON so the operator does not run emitting a detectible signal all the time. You watch traffic and when you see a fast car you hit the switch. Almost immediately you see a speed, as well as a corresponding SLOW DOWN if the driver has a detector. Or the frt end dipping when they hit the brakes.
The operator will use those observations in Court to show that in fact the car he had visually was THE car he was tracking on radar.

Radar detectors tend to NOT really work. can detect a signal AHEAD....then slow down. If You have no clue theres an Officer running radar, and speeding....and the Officer is a competant operator...Your toast.

I wrote quite a few people with high dollar radar detectors. And I'm sure many others got away if they were alerted by their detector of my radar unit. It's a gamble with a fairly highh downside for the driver.

Just did 4500 miles back and forth to the east coast. I rode 5-8 over the limit and got radar'ed several times. My speed was so low not worth the Troopers time. Would have been GREAT in the low traffic areas on I-94 to have gone 90-95..... but 80+ in a 75 mph zone was decent. Could be WAY worse...recall the idiotic 55 MPH National Speed limit days???

FN in MT


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Only run a detector if it is a really high end unit. $500 bucks or more. The cheap ones will just give you a false sense of security and you will get a ticket for sure. I have a great one, but only ever do about 8 over the limit on a consistent basis. The detector is good for long trips on unfamiliar roads which has saved my a$$ a few times, but keeping in mind I don't really speed much.

FN in MT

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Would you pay $500 for a radio or TV that gets a single channel? Exactly what your doing here. Waste of money.


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I used to run a Valentine One and they run $400. I got 2 tickets with it and it saved me barely one time. It started going off for no reason. I could be in the middle of nowhere sitting on the side of the road and it would go full intensity. Bought an Escort 8500 and it wasn't as good as the V1 I didn't think, it also managed to take a dump after about a year.

I currently don't run a detector at all because they annoy the ever loving shit out of me. I just look around with my eyes a bit more. I would ONLY buy another detector if I had to drive quite a ways on unfamiliar roads.. might not even then.


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i have one like this. it sort of works, but sometimes it alerts me AFTER i already spot the cop car so it's pretty useless tbqh.


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Im happy with my $400 Valentine1. Just for some extra help inside the city I installed a laser diffuser.


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Valentine 1 or Escort. I have a Valentine and it has saved me countless of times. Just keep in mind it's not a pass to go speeding whenever you want. You still need to understand how radar works, observe the conditions around you and then decide if it's safe to speed.