Post below if you have one, where you are, where you will go, and any fee you would like.
Bender1 Banned Feb 22, 2012 #1 Post below if you have one, where you are, where you will go, and any fee you would like.
K katc1 New member Feb 25, 2012 #2 HEX-USB+CAN In the Columbia, MD area. Bring a beer or a couple bucks for gas.
B Blazn5 Ready to race! Apr 10, 2012 #3 Micro-CAN National Harbor Area Gas money is always appreciated
Dubvee Go Kart Champion Jul 9, 2012 #4 Micro-can in the eastern panhandle of wv- leesburg- Frederick - Winchester area. No set fee, but if you would like to contribute, it is appreciated. Might ask for gas money if it's out of my way, but am always willing to help.
Micro-can in the eastern panhandle of wv- leesburg- Frederick - Winchester area. No set fee, but if you would like to contribute, it is appreciated. Might ask for gas money if it's out of my way, but am always willing to help.
W WinkleDinkle Passed Driver's Ed Aug 24, 2012 #5 HEX-USB+CAN St. Mary's county, MD I'm not an expert so bring your own skills but I don't charge.
M MikeInWV New member Sep 14, 2012 #6 Micro-CAN North-Central WV (Clarksburg/Bridgeport/Fairmont) area. PM for details
S Skitals Ready to race! Oct 10, 2012 #9 Micro-can in Alexandria (Old Town) area. No charge. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Saabstory .:R32 OG Member # 002 Dec 19, 2012 #12 Micro-CAN in Southern Marland (Charles County) and/or Washington DC/Rosslyn VA areas. I live in southern Charles county and work in Rosslyn so I can hook you up anywhere in the general pathway between the two If you want to donate some beer I'm happy to accept; but like an emergency room I don't turn away any needy patients
Micro-CAN in Southern Marland (Charles County) and/or Washington DC/Rosslyn VA areas. I live in southern Charles county and work in Rosslyn so I can hook you up anywhere in the general pathway between the two If you want to donate some beer I'm happy to accept; but like an emergency room I don't turn away any needy patients
IVVVIKris Ready to race! Dec 30, 2012 #13 HEX-USB-CAN in Norfolk, VA. Bring it by or throw in gas $ for me to come to you.
S Shutaro Ready to race! Feb 4, 2013 #14 Micro-CAN in Gaithersburg, just got it and figuring it out, but so far, so good. Work in Leesburg if anyone in that area needs help. Beer is good
Micro-CAN in Gaithersburg, just got it and figuring it out, but so far, so good. Work in Leesburg if anyone in that area needs help. Beer is good
eppy Ready to race! Mar 11, 2013 #15 Micro-CAN in Westminster, Frederick, and Annapolis. I'm all over the place!!