***Please check Post #1 for most recent updates. This post is archived information.***
In an effort to offer the most comprehensive tuning solution available for the Mk6 Volkswagen GTI, we are excited to announce our first major update to Accessport firmware, Accesstuner, and Off The Shelf Maps for the 2010-2014 Volkswagen GTI.
Accessport Firmware Updates (
Firmware updates to the
AP3-VLK-001 Accessport consists of new Off The Shelf Maps and various updates to Monitors available for live viewing and data logging. In order to update Accessport firmware, download and install
Accessport Manager.
V102 Off The Shelf Maps
While calibration data in the v102 maps remains the same, there are some minor updates to all map files including minor bugs in descriptions and correcting torque reduction requests on the 115AS ROM. A complete list of changes can be found on the
Map Notes Page.
Map Files Available:
- Anti-Theft Mode v100.ptm
- Stage0 v100.ptm
- Stage1 91 High Boost v102.ptm
- Stage1 91 v102.ptm
- Stage1 93 High Boost v102.ptm
- Stage1 93 v102.ptm
- Stage1+ 91 v102.ptm
- Stage1+ 93 v102.ptm
- Stage2 91 v102.ptm
- Stage2 93 v102.ptm
- Valet Mode v100.ptm
Accessport Monitor Updates
Additional monitor conversion support:
- "Torque (Actual)" now converts from nm to ft-lbs
- "Rail Pressure" now converts from MpA to PSI
- "Airflow Rate (Nominal)" now coverts from dm3/s to ft3/m (CFM)
- "Fuel Flow" now coverts from ML/s to G/m
New Monitors:
- "Pre-Throttle Boost Pressure"
- "EGR Filling"
- "EGR Pressure"
- "Filling to Pressure Factor"
- "WGDC PID Result"
- "WG CAN Target Pressure Ratio"
Other Updates:
- Added "AFR Commanded" (Final)
- Updated AFR monitors precision from 3 to 2, changed name of "Target Boost" to "Target Manifold Boost".
- The Boost Monitor is now based off of Pre-Throttle Boost Pressure for improved accuracy.
- Boost Error monitor corrected to display correct value.
- "WG I Factor" & "WG P Factor" monitors corrected to display the correct value.
- Removed superfluous monitors: "Target Boost Pressure (Filtered)" and "Target Boost Ratio"
For a complete list of Volkswagen Monitors, see the
Volkswagen Monitor List.
Accesstuner Pro Updates (
New Tables
Wastegate Duty Cycle Control:
- Overboost Detection Time (TDPVDKNG)
- "Wastegate Duty Ambient Pressure Correction"
- Minimum I-component (IREGMIN)
- Maximum I-component (IREGMAX)
- Wastegate Duty Cycle Output Table (KFTVPWG1Q)
- Misc: Removed WGDC Feed Forward tables
HPFP Table Support:
- HPFP Displacement Volume (VHDP)
- Radius of HPFP Piston (RQUAHDPK)
Injection Timing:
- Injection Scaling (KRKATE)
- Injection End Angle 1 (KFWEHK2K1)
- Injection End Angle 2 (KFWEHP2K1)
- Injection Start Angle 1 (KFWBHO1SLE)
- Injection Start Angle 2 (KFWBHO1SWE)
- Injection Start Angle 3 (KFWBHO1SS)
- Injection Start Angle 4 (KFWBHO1SWS)
- Maximum Injection Angle Intake Stroke (KFWBHO1SMX)
- Offset Angle Correction EOI (KFWESABGRM)
Monitor Updates(Same as Accessport section above)
Additional monitor conversion support:
- "Torque (Actual)" now converts from nm to ft-lbs
- "Rail Pressure" now converts from MpA to PSI
- "Airflow Rate (Nominal)" now coverts from dm3/s to ft3/m (CFM)
- "Fuel Flow" now coverts from ML/s to G/m
New Monitors:
- "Pre-Throttle Boost Pressure"
- "EGR Filling"
- "EGR Pressure"
- "Filling to Pressure Factor"
- "WGDC PID Result"
- "WG CAN Target Pressure Ratio"
Other Updates:
- Added "AFR Commanded" (Final)
- Updated AFR monitors precision from 3 to 2, changed name of "Target Boost" to "Target Manifold Boost".
- The Boost Monitor is now based off of Pre-Throttle Boost Pressure for improved accuracy.
- Boost Error monitor corrected to display correct value.
- "WG I Factor" & "WG P Factor" monitors corrected to display the correct value.
- Removed superfluous monitors: "Target Boost Pressure (Filtered)" and "Target Boost Ratio"
Added unit conversion support for monitors in Accesstuner. This can be found by browsing to the "Display" tab under the Configure Options menu option.