moving in with the g.f.


Passed Driver's Ed
Just looking for advice from people out there that have lived with a girlfriend before.

Starting next month I decided to move in with my g.f. whom I have been dating for over 2 years. We get along well and don't seem to have too many problems or fights. She has a dog and makes more money than me. The place we got is big and I have a huge man cave all to myself that I can retreat to if need be.

I have never lived with a girl before, and well it scares me a little bit. Anyone have some advice or words of wisdom other then don't leave the toilet seat up?



Ready to race!
The fighting will definitely begin once you live together. Certain, small things will aggravate both of you, and sadly, if things ever go south, you'll be the one moving out.

Unless you are positive you would like to marry this girl, I say don't do it. Otherwise, it will be harder moving out than moving in.

One word of advice: she's not your maid. Share the work and the compromises of sharing a household. Easy recipe to the beginning of a healthy relationship with long term stability. Just because it's her house, doesn't mean she has to pick up after you. Otherwise, she'll start bringing your car obsessions into arguments and that's enough to make any mans blood boil.

Danny Boy1

Ready to race!


Ready to race!
Consider it a new phase to your life. Living with someone will have its ups and downs, just like life.
Remember, learning to compromise will become very important.


Go Kart Champion
2 years is a very long time. It will be a change but it's a good test to see if you want to spend the rest of your life with her.


Go Kart Champion
Consider it a new phase to your life. Living with someone will have its ups and downs, just like life.
Remember, learning to compromise will become very important.


Just be aware of each others personal space as well as sharing a new space together. Also, since you're moving into her home you gotta expect her to be a little territorial at first, so don't start hanging up pictures of your car and paddock girls right away, settle in slowly. If she notices you respect her and the space, she'll loosen up a lot quicker.

But the biggest thing, as far as any relationship you've got to keep the communication open. When she does stuff at home (reguardless of it being HERS at first, it's now the both of yalls) that pisses you off, let her know without being a dick. But always remember to pick and choose your battles. We all know relationships require work from both sides, but don't freak out about tiny ridiculous shit, but always be truthful with each other on shit that really gets under your skin.

Just be easy and have fun, you've clearly got time together and should be aware of each others quirks and needs. Don't put too much pressure on yourself or her, just enjoy the new journey together and have fun!

Hopefully this makes since, lol. Good luck either way man.


Ready to race!
The fighting will definitely begin once you live together. Certain, small things will aggravate both of you, and sadly, if things ever go south, you'll be the one moving out.

Unless you are positive you would like to marry this girl, I say don't do it. Otherwise, it will be harder moving out than moving in.

One word of advice: she's not your maid. Share the work and the compromises of sharing a household. Easy recipe to the beginning of a healthy relationship with long term stability. Just because it's her house, doesn't mean she has to pick up after you. Otherwise, she'll start bringing your car obsessions into arguments and that's enough to make any mans blood boil.

this :thumbsup:


Ready to race!
One word of advice: she's not your maid. Share the work and the compromises of sharing a household.


You seem to have already decided to do this so I won't say don't, but realize you are committing to the length of a lease. To make the relationship itself work, you will need to work harder at keeping it interesting (after the excitement of walking around naked wears off). She will still need "dates", which need to be separated from getting off the couch and going out. Don't wait to be told to help with something, just knowing it's your responsibility to help pays off.

If you plan to marry her, it's essential that you go through this. If you don't, then you are learning a lesson about moving in with your girlfriend. I'm not trying to be morbid. Good luck!