GolfMK6 Official Vendor
pickup a set today!
So I'm a copy cat...
And new puddle lights...
Hi, that is not something we ever seen.
Can we please have your info - email us at
When were these purchased - when did you see the issue?
Was the LED damaged during install?
Is there any other VCD mods that could alter the voltage and cause the issue?
This only happened on one side? The other side is fine?
We have these installed in many models and never seen this, the LED won't get any hotter than a regular incandescent bulb.
The housing should never melt either way as any plastic that will have a light source has to resist heat up to 500℉+ degrees.
We might be able to try to figure something out with more information, from the photo it looks like the LED is damaged, is the adapter fine?
This sort of reminds us when VW used the wrong plastic in their bulb tray plastic - the regular incandescent bulbs were melting the adapter:
I've seen it before, don't know who made the bulbs though.
I bought these bulbs several months back, I'll email you guys so you can pull up my info, the bulb was installed correctly and worked fine for the past few months. No mods that alter voltage and the other side appears to be fine. Although the housing melted, so did the black connector where the bulb plugs into is melted so it must be the bulb itself. I'm thinking the bulb got hot and the connection was cut off when the solder melted the top piece off.
Ok thanks for working with us.
Ok thank you - we would really like to see the other post that was mentioned about the other housing melting, if other bulbs are burning melting that are not ours it has to be linked to the wiring and plastic - we were blamed for melting CC trays back in the day until VW announced a recall that they used the wrong plastic that could melt:
You could imagine people seeing melted trays and only wanting to blame the bulb so we understand.
We cannot see these bulbs getting hot enough as we have these as City LEDs in many cars were they stay on for hours with no heat issues.
I bought a set of cherry Ed's with one melted housing. I might have pics. Maybe it was a red led for a faux fog? Got a replacement inner light and used standard 921 bulbs.
I'd say it's safe to say that being that the bulb still works and shows no melting or burning itself, that there was a loose connection within the plug and caused some arching while in reverse. I can't blame DeAutoKey and I will continue to do business with you guys not only because this is the first real issue I've had electrically but because the customer service and support is A+ and that includes communication, respect, knowledge and refund/warranty policy.
I bought a set of cherry Ed's with one melted housing. I might have pics. Maybe it was a red led for a faux fog? Got a replacement inner light and used standard 921 bulbs.
Where did you get the inner after the fact? I can't find one anywhere.