Also im very excited for Monday, I have my first commercial photoshoot at a high end coach repair shop (ferrari, lambo, rolls, Maserati etc). This was the only shop to be okay with me using their shop as my subject for my project.
that's awesome! I want to see the pictures! also I desperately wish I had you on our newspaper staff. after seeing college newspapers from around the country.... we have the worst pictures
Haha I can't publish/display/upload etc any, it's their property once I've taken them, I can only use them for school. I think that is the only reason why they accepted to let me take them. I can not wait to see what race car preps they are doing. Besides doing bodywork, they also build full out race cars.
Ive done few things for my schools paper, but the only one worth mentioning is when one of our shuttle buses caught on fire and I took some pics.Bus was really old though idk why they were still commissioning it.
Hmm $100...........can I buy air ride with it? If so then hecks yea im in.
There is this photographer his name is Alec Soth, this gallery in Chelsea (nyc) is hosting his work right now called "Broken Manual". Guy is nuts, the ultimate hipster, he travelled all over the states to look for a cave to live in. In the process he actually met people who really were living in caves.
I think thats one of the few ways 100/month would actually work lol.