stage 1 upgrade. Which one are available?


Ready to race!
Hi guys,

I'm about to upgrade for a Stage 1, I would like Unitronic stage 1+ or REVO... (no APR dealer)
But I don't know if they are already offering this upgrade or not.

Unitronic : I've tried on their web site but Unitronic is not updated because it stop in 2008...they are not talking about 2009 TSI and 2010.

Revo : On the web site, it's written that they are doing the TSI but they are not talking about the difference between 2009 or 2010. I know that both are TSi ... But are the 2010 stage 1 is really available...

I have to do 3H of cars for being chip. They REVO/ Unitronic dealer is not able to tell me if it will work or not because he has to plug the car. I will take a chance but if you are telling me that it will not work I will wait after Xmas.

Thank you


vdubber in training
Yeah I believe the 2009 GTI and 2010 GTI have pretty much the same engine.

So far I believe APR is the only one that has stage 1 for the 2010 model.


Ready to race!
I couldn't imagine being without my car for the length of time it takes to send off the ecu, get it flashed, and get it back... Honestly, I can't imagine being without it for more than a couple hours. :D


vdubber in training
From the APR page
APR's ECU Upgrade is able to be installed by APR's professional dealer network or by APR directly. Most late model applications are available to be installed via DirectPort programming without removing your ECU or even opening the hood. DirectPort Programming is not available for all models and in these rare cases EMCS Modules are able to be soldered to the ECU. In the event there is not an APR dealer near, you also have the option to remove your ECU and send it to APR Headquarters for installation.

So has anyone asked a dealer if they can DirectPort the 2010 GTI?


Ready to race!
my understanding is that it has not been released for directport yet, but they are hoping to have it out before the end of the month.


Go Kart Champion
my understanding is that it has not been released for directport yet, but they are hoping to have it out before the end of the month.

Correct! APR had indicated that the Mk6 launch is delayed due to a new ECU lockout code which is different from their Waterfest MK6 test vehicle. They are still able to do the stage 1 ecu upgrade to local customers...which is probably accomplished by removing the ECU from the vehiche.
Although they estimate full Port plug-in software released to apr dealers in 4 weeks.


Ready to race!
I can't wait lol...Do you know when it's gonna be available in the same time or later?
thank you


Passed Driver's Ed
What's the likelihood of VW finding out your car has been mod'd to stage 1? I mean, wouldn't it be easy for them to notice this, thus voiding the warranty?


Ready to race!
What's the likelihood of VW finding out your car has been mod'd to stage 1? I mean, wouldn't it be easy for them to notice this, thus voiding the warranty?

1. As I've been reading, there is nothing that voids warranty by having your car chipped. The issue is that they may say something isn't covered under warranty if they feel it was damaged as a direct result of being chipped.

2. It depends on what you have done in regards to what gets found by the dealer. Anecdotal evidence suggests if you have the APR security lockout, you can put your car into the default program, engage security lockout, and not worry about the dealership knowing about your chipped programs.


Ready to race!
I talked with a service advisor at my dealer today. He said that adding APR software and downpipe will not impact my warranty. He also mentioned that he's running APR stage 1 on his GLI and that it's good stuff. He said that I should just let them know APR is on there when I take it in so that they don't accidentally wipe it off.

I'd suggest talking to your dealer proactively before you upgrade - they may be ok with it.
