The devil is in the details

Bruh Man

Go Kart Champion
Good balance of power for the cost.

No doubt.

How are the BFI mounts working out, would you recommend them? I'm curious about how they feel. Judging from BFI's description I'm thinking Stage 1 would be better for me.


Go Kart Champion
No doubt.

How are the BFI mounts working out, would you recommend them? I'm curious about how they feel. Judging from BFI's description I'm thinking Stage 1 would be better for me.
I thought Stage II would be too stiff, but honestly you get the most vibration from the Torque Arm Insert. The added vibration from the Engine & Tranny Mount is negligible.
Furthermore, I actually wish I'd gone with the solid Stage III Engine Mount, shown here:

But it's over $100 more expensive... lol
In short, Yes - I'd recommend these to everyone. They make shifting more precise, and less sloppy. And there's ZERO wheel hop. No matter how hard you try, you'll get wheel spin only.
Here's some pics of the Stage II engine mount installed in my car (the green thing):


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Ready to race!
loving the wheels. hows the pinstripe holding up? easy to apply?


Go Kart Champion
Sick man, appreciate the input!
Yeah, no problem! Let me know if you have any other questions about the other aftermarket products I've installed.
I was thinking of actually writing a review for each one actually. I'm just lazy though.

loving the wheels. hows the pinstripe holding up? easy to apply?
Surprisingly, the pinstriping holds up REALLY well. I curbed two of my wheels :eek: and so I have to re-do that part of the pinstriping. Upon close examination, I'll need to use a blow dryer to loosen up the vinyl, which is good. So they're not coming off unless I want them to.
Just make sure you clean the lip of the wheel with rubbing alcohol before applying the pinstriping.


Go Kart Champion
K04 :D though I've read it doesn't feel much different than stage 2.
What?! Where did you here that, Al?!

Anyways, been kinda bored lately so trying to think of things to do. I'm thinking maybe a fog light delete, but there aren't any grilles for that yet. Unless I go custom. We'll see...
Also, I may delete the entire A/C system. But again, we'll see...


All in, All out..
that roof job was a great night, whiskey breaks FTW.
your rotors are on backwards
why arent the rear r32's on yet?


Go Kart Champion
that roof job was a great night, whiskey breaks FTW.
your rotors are on backwards
why arent the rear r32's on yet?
Yeah - it was a good night!
Are they on backwards?! Oh, snap! I'll have to double check. :confused:
Rear R32's aren't on because we still don't have an M14 triple square. Jesse has an M16, not a 14 (which we realized when he came over)...
But not to worry, I ordered that triple square set off Amazon that you showed me. :D


Go Kart Champion
Love the black roof!
Thanks, Arin!

Not sure why, but a lot of the pics I see of slotted rotors on our cars have the slots in that direction.
Yeah, I put them on that way based on looking at other cars I've seen with slotted rotors and brakes oriented in the same position.

Anyways, the triple square set came in the mail yesterday. So the rear R32 brakes will be on soon.
And last night I ordered the JOM badgeless grille from ebay.

Now I'd like to pair it with a notchless double-sided carbon fiber hood. Color-matched on the exterior, of course.