Valentine 1 in Dash Cubby?


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Buy it directly from valentine one's website for less $$:

If you call them and ask for a refurbished one they can give you a 10% discount...

This is off their site:

Where to mount
Valentine One works best when mounted high in the
windshield, and toward the center between the windshield
pillars. Use your choice of windshield or visor mounts.
• When properly mounted, the front antenna will look
forward through the glass. It must have an unobstructed
view. Don’t put it behind the parked windshield wipers,
or directly behind an in-glass antenna. Don’t position it
so that it "looks" into the rearview mirror.
• The rear antenna will look rearward, between
passengers and out the rear glass. It, too, must have an
unobstructed view.
• Detector performance is enhanced by a high mounting
position. Two reasons. For radar, a longer sight line to
the horizon always helps. For laser, moving away from
the hood and its sun reflections helps a lot.


Ready to race!
yea pretty sure nothing, not even window tint, is supposed to be between it and where ever the radar/laser source is