The tornado for your air intake. Does cat 5 winds into your manifold. Careful though, last time someone put those into their car, people in the mid west got a lil sensitive.
It depends how desperate you are. Weight savings is the best bet. Remove the spare, rear seats, and as much as you can. For $50 you can't even fill your tank with premium gas.
your thread starting privledges are going to be revoked soon. 22 posts, 14 of them the beginning of new threads. 2 of which ask the exact same question.
Idk. Maybe buy some vinyl and put one racing stripe on it. Make sure it's not centered.
Wow.........just wow...........I cannot think of a single thing that you any extra horsepower. Make the car go faster???? Learn to drive the car at the limit I would suppose.
Lulz. 50 bucks and expecting major butt dyno performance. What is this. A Honda?