Go Kart Champion
its the lil button right below the color swatch (bottom left of the screen in cs4) then use the paintbrush tool to paint the mask.
cool, ill check that out when i get home from work! thanks
its the lil button right below the color swatch (bottom left of the screen in cs4) then use the paintbrush tool to paint the mask.
1. select the layer in the layers palette.
2. click the quick mask button in the tool box (kinda looks like a box with a circle in it)
3. select the brush tool (use "tool option" to change the brush size so you can get a better cover) FYI: make sure the oppasity is 100% or itll come out funny
4. cover the parts (using brush tool) that you want to mask out.
an thats it, lol loads easier when you do it on the actual picture lol.
no worries its what we do. i always refer to my notes, just figured id save you some time so that i can see your jetta pic finished faster lol
you mean Passat? lol
yeaaaaa lol nmy bad not paying attention lol sorry my bad! geeze i feel like a tool now
lol just makin sure I didnt think I had a jetta request
I started lowering another pic of my car and started over on the passat cuz the blurryness bugged me. I should have them finished up after i get home from work tonight