Implementation Specialist with an Automotive CRM/CXM Software Company.
C ce4 Ready to race! Jun 12, 2019 #946 Implementation Specialist with an Automotive CRM/CXM Software Company.
torga Autocross Champion Jun 12, 2019 #947 I'm a mechanical engineer with a defense/aerospace contractor.
zrickety The Fixer Jun 12, 2019 #948 GTI2.0 said: Being a dad is the best for sure. I was a stay at home dad 2 years. Hardest job I’ve ever had. Click to expand... For sure. There is a stigma for stay at home parents, shouldn't be but there is. Hardest and most rewarding. Better for us to raise them than strangers at daycare.
GTI2.0 said: Being a dad is the best for sure. I was a stay at home dad 2 years. Hardest job I’ve ever had. Click to expand... For sure. There is a stigma for stay at home parents, shouldn't be but there is. Hardest and most rewarding. Better for us to raise them than strangers at daycare.
F fbgmoney Ready to race! Jun 12, 2019 #949 I'm a mechanical engineer in automotive at the moment. Currently reverse engineering ETB's.