Travelers TV Show


Drag Race Newbie
Excellent! I also started watching "The OA" quite a bit of hype on this one the past week. So far it's pretty interesting. Has a "Stranger Things" vibe to it.

I also am watching the OA. Im on episode 6 now.

Its good but really strange now...


Go Kart Champion
So I'm all caught up with Travelers, I must say it was a fun show up until the last two episodes where it actually caught my attention. Now i'm hooked to it. Good stuff!


Drag Race Newbie
So I'm all caught up with Travelers, I must say it was a fun show up until the last two episodes where it actually caught my attention. Now i'm hooked to it. Good stuff!

I really liked the plane episode. However the other nights episode (the one that follows the plane episode) i was kinda meh too i thought they were gonna go in a different direction with his wife.

To anyone who hasnt seen the show what i just wrote has no spoilers in it at all and is extremely vague unless you have seen the show.