Recent content by SAthirtythree

  1. S

    Water in my gas

    So yesterday started with a bag of awesome. I went to go to class in the morning, started my car and it ran like shit. Figured, "Maybe it's the cold, I'm sure it will smarten up by the end of the driveway." Well it didn't, and 1/8 mile down the street, it cuts power and my dash lights up like a...
  2. S

    Hyundai Intrado SUV

    That thing looked awesome!! ...then the inside happened.
  3. S

    Mountain bike thread

    My current bike started innocently enough. I got a great deal on a frame ($50) and decided to replace my old cro-molly frame. I move a lot of my old parts over. some things didn't fit, like the seat tube and the bottom bracket, but no big deal. Here it is on top of my GTI. Then it turned...
  4. S

    Democrats shut down the government by refusing to negotiate with Republicans

    still has to get through republican controlled house, where the nuttiest of the tea party nuts are.
  5. S

    Whats a gangster/drug dealer "looking" car?

    In my area they all drive late 90's Lexus ES's with shitty paint, dents, and huge chrome rims.
  6. S

    New BMW 4 series arrived!

    VW needs to loose the paddle shifters entirely. they're stupid.
  7. S


    I have this exact same watch. I've worn it every day for 4 years. It's held up strong working as a firefighter. Love this thing.
  8. S

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    The most patriotic thing on television. The Newsroom on HBO. written by Aaron Sorkin (West Wing) America is NOT the greatest country in the world anymore "The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one." The Tea Party explained...
  9. S

    Presidential/Political Discussion Thread

    Jon Stewart / Lewis Black 2012
  10. S

    Apple/OSX Dilemma.

    I'm still not sold on Retina for devices that are intended to do heavy computing. It seems to me like kind of a wasted resource. example: ever turn down the graphics on a game to make it run faster? on a phone, tablet, or TV (hopefully) I understand completely.
  11. S

    Apple/OSX Dilemma.

    Unless you are a "power" user, you'll be happy with either one. now just pick which one you like more. cd drive vs weight. black glossy screen vs silver matte screen I like the light weight of the air and the wedge shape, but i find it almost too light, like sometimes it slides across the...
  12. S

    Least favorite car

    re: honda fit I think because my wife owns one i'm continuously reminded how much i hate it. And no, seat all the way back isn't enough and the steering wheel only tips a little. But giving it more thought a car i liked even less was a 97 subaru impreza. 2.2L auto. god that car sucked...
  13. S

    Least favorite car

    honda fit. seriously i could run faster and my knees hit the steering wheel
  14. S

    iOS 5

    iOS5 was jailbroken a few days ago by redsnow
  15. S

    iOS 5

    i've been enjoying newsstand