2nd missing center cap


Ready to race!
In the past month I've lost 2 VW center caps. I now think someone is deliberately taking them off just to piss me off. I'd rather not believe that so have any of you guys had your caps just pop off randomly?


former GTI owner
I think they'd be tough to steal as well


You need to pop them out from the rear, and that's impossible to do when they're on the car

OR if you did try getting it from the front (like with a screwdriver)'d damage the wheel


Ready to race!
I lost 2 of them, will get new ones this weekend with 45k service.
other 2 were broken, I fixed them with super glue:)

rip steakface1

Passed Driver's Ed
i've had the same set of denvers on 2 cars now (2007 rabbit and 2010 golf), done about 60k miles on them with rotations every 5k, a few alignments and 2 sets of tires (so a lot of on/off /balancing with these wheels...). i had never lost a center cap until my last rotation/balance, when i noticed i was missing one a day later. they were all there after i got the car back from the dealer, and after snapping a replacement cap in i'm convinced they don't just pop off on their own. they are in there REALLY good. i think the dealer broke mine in some way that allowed it to go back on the wheel, but not as securely as it would normally fit. somewhere along the way the broken cap was dislodged. my theory, anyway...