Explain your User Name.


Passed Driver's Ed
I made my part for the footprint :D lot of boating and it`s the make of my boat....


Ready to race!
wow...good thread!

ok, where to start. Well, first of all, my name is stephen and ive gone by stevo looooong before "Jackass" came about. well, i have a friend, jared who back in the day was pretty big into rapping and freestyling. he started to get me into it, which is funny, because i was more of the "abercrombie" type than anything else. anyhow, not to brag, but i am known to be a ladies man. a "player" if you will. if any of you have seen the show "Tool Academy" on tv...that was all me, or at least it was till i met my recent girlfriend. so anyway, me and some friends, jared included, went to see some of my friends up at Radford University for something called Quadfest. HUGE party at a HUGE party school. any way, so we go up there and one night some people gathered into a circle and started freestylin. my boy jared was actually really good so of course he got in jared spit his freestyle and lyrics he was about to hand it off to me and this is how he did it "ima turn this slaughter over to my boy, we call him scuba steve, why? he stays buried in pussy so long he needs a snorkel to breathe!" well, that was the first time anyone called me scuba steve and the crowd went NUTS for his stuck ever since. everyone started callin me by that nickname...matter of fact, used to actually be my license plate.

wow...thats old history...good times and good memories!
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Passed Driver's Ed
just a nickname/fake rap name that some people call me by lol.


Ready to race!
Cloud- Final Fantasy VII
Link- Zelda
04- HS grad year


Passed Driver's Ed
when i was 16 i had a 88 olds cutlass sierra, we called it "the piece"...i caught the edge of the road and lost control causing it to flip 2 and a half times...I rolled the piece..., jazzed up the spelling a bit and voila!


New member
I played basketball in high school and was a good 3 point shooter, and my initials are JD. Thus shooter3jd


Go Kart Champion
I have been known to do crazy things and Z is the first letter of my last name


Passed Driver's Ed
First initial, last name, Boxster internal designation. I had a Boxster in 02/03, and was joining some online communities at the time (forums, ebay, etc.), and came up with that username. To keep things simple, I've continued to use it for most forums I join. One day I would like to be able to change it to jwoods997.........:)