How much drone does a mid + suitcase muffler delete cause on a 2.5 Golf?


New member
Heyo. I currently have a 2010 VW Golf 2.5l with the suitcase already muffler gone (removing it didn't do much of anything for sound). The exhaust is essentially silent when cruising with the revs are below 3k and still pretty tame between 3.5k and 6k. I very much would like to be able to enjoy some nice engine sounds during hard acceleration (3.5k-6k). But like most people am very much wanting to avoid drone at highway speed (3k rpm).

As already stated my rear suitcase muffler has been deleted. The next logical step up in sound seems to be deleting the middle muffler and leaving the upper resonator. However unless anyone wants to interject, deleting the mid muffler on 2.5l's seems to add pretty strong drone at 3k rpm from the few sample videos and written testimonials i've managed to find. Has anyone managed to find a middleground option that doesn't have drone but still opens the sound up more than stock?

One thing I'm considering is replacing my stock mid muffler with something like a Vibrant ultra quiet resonator. However I fear it won't be effective enough at mitigating drone.

Any advice or information would be very appreciated.
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Autocross Champion
I can confirm that removing the middle muffler will give you some very serious drone as I did that on my 2.5 as well. A eurojet catback was always the best sounding exhaust option in my opinion but they are very difficult to find. Your solution of replacing your mid-muffler with something that flows better is likely going to be your best bet without buying a full kit.