If you didn't already know, you can download every factory manual for your car for $35.


Go Kart Newbie
Anyone can set up an erWin account, and they have an option for a one-day subscription that includes unlimited viewing/printing rights for $35. Once you get set up and buy the subscription, just search your VIN, open the document you want, and select 'print to PDF' as your printer to save it to your hard drive. Repeat for as many documents as you care to download.

I did run into an issue when opening the pdf online from the site, where it snapped to the end of the document to a page that requires you to acknowledge you read the warnings before allowing you to view any other page, and the radio button isn't clickable. But I was still able to open the print dialog box and it downloaded the pdf just fine. So if that happens to you, don't worry.