May 21, Judgement Day...



Bastards and liars all of them. There's a reason the church isn't in power anymore....


Well I for one sir am deeply offended by such statements. I will say a prayer for you that ye may see the light before that fateful day when HE returneth from making his list and checking it twice, finding out who has been naughty or nice, and smote the down! Smote ye! I smote ye sir!:mad0259:


Ready to race!
Wasn't going to let it get me down (not that I believed it anyway)

Woke up, washed my car, ate some pizza, went kayaking and got drunk on the lake.


Ready to race!
me and the big man up stairs are tight! so i aint worried about it lol. and plus i gata get my freaking wheels before then!


Passed Driver's Ed
I was cruising around with the windows down in the GTI, rocking the raybans, and blasting "Highway to the Danger Zone." I didn't plan it, but I decided that if that's what I was doing when the world came to an end, I'd be totally okay with it. :cool:


Don't Hate, Inseminate

Bastards and liars all of them. There's a reason the church isn't in power anymore....


this is why people like this radio pastor bother me. they make the rest of us reasonable believers look bad.

just for anyone who isn't aware, pretty much 99% of real Christians did not believe this rapture prediction. we, too, were laughing at this guy like the rest of you, so don't be making comments about how idiotic Christians are just because of this one guy (because the majority of us think he's crazy too).

I always find it funny, because some people who think of themselves as more open-minded and reasonable than religious people will sit there and stereotype people of a certain belief. "lol bible thumpers so stupid". what, too open-minded to respect that belief? just keep calling us stupid. right, that's why I got into a number of colleges way more prestigious than those that a lot of religion-hating people went to, and the same goes for all my idiotic Christian friends who are going to good schools as well. Being religious or irreligious has nothing to do with intelligence, it just reflects a difference in worldview.


Passed Driver's Ed
this is why people like this radio pastor bother me. they make the rest of us reasonable believers look bad.

just for anyone who isn't aware, pretty much 99% of real Christians did not believe this rapture prediction. we, too, were laughing at this guy like the rest of you, so don't be making comments about how idiotic Christians are just because of this one guy (because the majority of us think he's crazy too).

I always find it funny, because some people who think of themselves as more open-minded and reasonable than religious people will sit there and stereotype people of a certain belief. "lol bible thumpers so stupid". what, too open-minded to respect that belief? just keep calling us stupid. right, that's why I got into a number of colleges way more prestigious than those that a lot of religion-hating people went to, and the same goes for all my idiotic Christian friends who are going to good schools as well. Being religious or irreligious has nothing to do with intelligence, it just reflects a difference in worldview.

You hit the nail on the head. Live and let live, the universe is too big for anyone to even fathom it origins. Anyone who claims to know with 100% certainty is a damn fool.


Drag Race Newbie
I can only know what I know and what I see. Not what I do not see and what I find to be hypocritical, money hungering, and sometimes child molesting. When I attend church for functions/friends, etc., I feel like I'm in the biggest con the world has ever seen, but I sit quietly and I respect them.

The end of faith will stop wars that have listed for thousands of years. People continue to kill in the name of their "god", thus the wars will never end and the "war on terrorism" will never end either. Religion was initially used to control the poor/peasants/masses and to keep them in line. As more information is available and societies have grown, more and more of the world has shifted to agnosticism, atheism, or other "pure" /harmless religions like Buddhism, etc. Most people in other modern societies are at least secular in their beliefs (they don't allow religion to run every facet of their govt like we do here), if not atheists at this point in time.

Faith is not based on intelligence or fact, its based on dogma, brain washing, using fear, and ultimately steering politics. While I do know believers that are truly good people and do good for their community, many on the right do not believe in "socialized" medicine - isn't that what being a Christian is about? helping those less fortunate than you?

Evolution makes sense, creationism or intelligent design does not. If ID existed, why does cancer exist and why can't our bodies fight it?

I always love this topic, because if you actually really look at history and ALL the religions in it, and all the similarities and the small differences in those similarities (virgin birth translated incorrectly from "young mother") and the glaring similarities, who is actually right then? is only one to be the right one? if so, what are the others doing / where did they come from that is "wrong"? what happened to those that believed in Greek mythology or the Egyptians - are they in "hell" then? For those that believe in Christ, do you really believe the undead will walk the earth and the living will be lifted up into heaven , etc? this is another reason why many Christians support Israel, they are part of the "final equation/end game" for the Christian rapture. Look it up, there are organizations who support it.

The human desire for faith is to re-assure us that we are not a freak of nature in this world and planetary system we are in - but unfortunately, we essentially are. Its evolution and perhaps "luck" that everything involved with Earth is just right for us to inhabit it. I am sure there are similar places somewhere else "out there", but who is to really say. Until I see proof and people actually acting like people of the faith and not blowing people up or calling for an "eye for an eye", I will continue to side with science, and not books written by people thousands of years ago, when people were probably even stupider than they are now.



Drag Race Newbie
Some more food for thought:

1. Santa - if no one told you he didn't exist, you would still believe in him, yes? if you believed in Santa when you were 3, and were later told he didn't exist and this is accepted by others, you then stopped believing in him. No one told those same children to stop believing in god, yet the same parameters apply. Both are very similar brain washing and story telling, think about it. How can a child be a Muslim or a Christian, etc, when they are only 3 or 5 years old? how do they know? If there was no religion until the age of 18 or 20, and I told you there was a man/god who created the world perhaps some 2-6,000 years ago, in 7 days (no mention of dinosaurs or other civilizations before them that you now/should know about), that looks and talks like us, but punishes us for many things - things we were guilty of before you were even born, and that if you didn't follow the rules to a "t", you would burn an eternity in hell, and that his son is coming back , but we don't know when and have never seen him or his "dad" - what would you think?

2. Jesus Christ = "Cult" - little do many know, there were other "Jesuses" before Christ. What made him different than others? further, how come people dismiss anything since as being "bullshit", but this one person claiming to be God/Son of God, etc., is legit? So the Jews and everyone before him are wrong, yes? Oddly enough, enough Mormonism has flourished and continues to grow, and even most Christians think that's just plain silly.

It is not about me dis-proving the existence of a higher power, it is the fact that no one can proof there IS one. I would be a believer if we saw a God - if he came down, talked to us, made an appearance and left - but that will never happen. We are simply just beings like everything else on this earth, sorry that it doesn't fit the perfect tale. It was a sad thing for me to come to, but honestly, I feel like I'm living a more true and honest life because of it.


Passed Driver's Ed
Let's not turn this thread in to a religious debate. Everyone (including agnostics and atheists), have faith in something. Arguing about it on a VW forum won't change that.

Nice pic btw:lol:


Ready to race!
"Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God."

The wars around us arent because of religions. It is just an excuse so more and more wars can happen. I mean if the Middle-East was a communist, the same things will happen, the same fake-leaders will emerge claiming it is the will of communist party or whatever.. Osama is frowned upon and hated by Muslims. Yet he remains a Muslim-Hero in Western Media.
Sadly there are some people and countries get rich by war and gain dominance, that is why there are wars.


Drag Race Newbie
Yeah, I mean a lot of the violent Jihad / extremists Muslims are not motivated by religion at all, you're right.. WTF??
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Don't Hate, Inseminate
Yeah, I mean a lot of the Jihad people are not motivated by religion at all, you're right.. WTF??

The people who kill in the name of religion are an extremely small proportion of religious people. A ton of religions (perhaps most) are not violent and instead promote helping other people. I do not deny the past; there have been some dark times where religion was used to promote violence, but if you are going to judge the current state of religion on the Crusades or something of the sort, then you are making of religion what you want it to be and not what it really is. Wake up and realize that the vast majority of Christians have no violent intentions (and don't tell me that the war on terrorism is proof of Christian violence; that's just proof of how politicians know what things to twist in order to get support). You deserve to be punished for your sins and for not believing in God? OK. Great. I'm not going to do anything. I'll let my God take out his wrath against you. <<<That right there sums up Christian opinion on violence. If we're going to talk about Islam, the majority of believers are not violent. If you don't know this, your views of religion are not based on fact but on what you want to believe. Great, there are a few psychos who want to kill people. There are also plenty of crazy atheists who kill people.

I don't mean to start a theological/philosophical debate on a car forum, I just really dislike it when people say that atheism is for intelligent people and religion for dumb people. Can't be further from the truth.


Go Kart Champion
personally, i just hate organized religion. thats where all the problems start.

i think everyone needs to have faith in something and everyone should have their own beliefs. i don't think something like religion should be grouped up with everyone telling you what to believe. i guess i'd call myself spiritual, but i'll be damned if i consider myself a christian or a catholic or anything else. i'm not going to let other people tell me whats right and wrong because they're "closer to god" than i am. i'm going to follow my spirit and have my own PERSONAL beliefs because when it comes down to priests, and popes, and the holiest of holies it just starts getting sketchy and more often than not they're corrupt themselves.


Ready to race!
Yeah, I mean a lot of the Jihad people are not motivated by religion at all, you're right.. WTF??

Its Sad (and kinda funny) on what the West really sees and thinks about Islam and Jihad. It is like the highest levels of Ignorance.

Do you even what al Qaeda means in Arabic? THE BASE. Which is as stuiped as it sounds. "THE BASE confirms it attacked Pakistan," and "THE BASE member Omar was killed" etc...
So its obvious a foreigner gave al Qaeda its name; not an Arab.

Do you know what Jihad is?
Jihad is keeping the prayer on time daily, Jihad is to forgive and forget, Jihad is to give poor your money when you "feel" you need it.

The final and lesser kind of Jihad is the fighting, any fool can grab an AK and shoot, but no wise man can always forgive and forget.

Those fake motivation is the work of al Qeada, by showing what America did to their brothers in other towns/countries.
War=War. Rich = Richer.
Religion, politics, etc.. are the part that makes the equation running thanks to very open-minded people.