Vehicle Service Interval change via VCDS DIY


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So I was tinkering around this morning with VCDS and I found out how you can go in and modify your Vehicle Service Waring Indicator to something a bit more "realistic" that 10,000 miles and 365 days!

So you start off in 17- Instruments
Then Select the Adaptation button

There you will find a drop down menu. To set the Distance from 10k to 5k you will need to convert Miles to Kilometers and enter that new number under the SID - Maximum value distance to service field BTW 5000 miles in Kl = 8046 :)

To change the days between service from 365 to a more reasonable 90days select the SID - Maximum value of time field

And there you have it...for those of us that want to change our oil every 5K or 90day will now get a warning via our MFD! :)

BTW I apologize for the crappy iPhone pics and not screen captures but I don't have a good screen capture app YET! :)


Ready to race!
Bump cause you dont want to miss out on this! :)


Go Kart Champion
I assume you could change this to any number then yeah?


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