WARNING: Bluetooth phone connectivity is broken in iOS 8


Go Kart Champion

You may or may not be aware of it but it appears iOS 8 (8.0.2 included) has a BT Stack bug which breaks Bluetooth phone connectivity in some cars, including those with RNS315 and RCD510 head units.

I have an iPhone 6+ and below are my symptoms:

RNS-315: Outbound calls initiate on the phone when placed through the headunit, however the headunit indicates the call failed and radio continues playback. The phone still shows audio streaming through the car though...

Inbound calls are completely ignored by the headunit.

RCD-510: Outbound calls initiate on the phone when placed through the headunit and there ringback heard from the speakers for a few seconds, but then the headunit indicates the call has failed even though it successfully connects on the phone.

Inbound calls are seen as automatically picked up in the headunit (as if you clicked the accept button but never really did). There's audio through the headunit for a few seconds but once you actually pick the call up from the phone it fails.

Hopefully there's a fix soon :\

Orient Express

Ready to race!
My 2010 RNS-510 with BT 9W7 module works fine with my iPhone 6+ and iOS 8.0.2

Try removing the phone from the car's list of BT devices, and remove the car from the phone's BT list, re-pair them and see what happens.


Go Kart Champion
2012 GTI w/ RNS-315. iOS 8.02 iPhone 5s. Works fine for bluetooth calls.

Tried removing the phone and re-adding it?


Ready to race!
Switch off your phone and restart in car... if car can't find you, create new user. Should work.


Go Kart Champion
Everything seems to be working fine with my 5s and my rcd315... The only time I had issues was when I put the beta version of ios7 on my old iphone 4... That was unbearable


Go Kart Champion
Just tried deleting the profile and repairing with my RCD 510 - no dice; it starts an outbound call and there is ring back but then it goes back to the radio :/


Go Kart Champion
Same results on my iPhone 5 on 8.0.2

Btw - my rcd 510 software version is 20120793A... Hardware version H02.


Go Kart Champion
Use vcds and go into adaptation on module 77. Scroll to the end and delete all users. See if that does it.


Go Kart Champion
Use vcds and go into adaptation on module 77. Scroll to the end and delete all users. See if that does it.

No dice.

So far I have:

1. Tried three phones (iPhone 5, 5S and 6+) on 8.0.2
2. Reset network settings on all phones; cleared all bluetooth settings.
3. Restored one of the phones to factory defaults
4. Reset both my RCD510 and RNS315 to factory defaults
5. Wiped users per the above instructions

Nothing works; same exact symptoms. The iPhone 5 was never paired with any of the cars before the attempt yesterday and is my work phone - it has no apps aside from stock Apple apps, Facebook and some corporate certificates to access Exchange.

I restored the 5S back to 7.1.2 and it worked flawlessly; upgraded to 8.0.2 and it is completely broken.

This is not an isolated issues; those of you who it works for - you should thank your lucky stars but don't hold your breath as reports are coming in for those for whom it worked later experiencing same failures.

From the above thread:

Hi, i am from Holland, same problem here.
connecting iPhone 5 with IOS 8.0.2 to VW system RNS510 in GOLF VI R. With IOS 8 same problem, on IOS 7 it was working fine!
After the connetion is made, not possible to make a call.

I guess I am one of the unlucky ones :(


Go Kart Champion

It appears that restoring the phone and resetting network settings does not help... but resetting ALL settings helped! Phone operates as it should as of today, however... we'll see what happens in the next few days.