Recent content by GTI_Jerm

  1. GTI_Jerm

    The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

    We’ve all been waiting for this mountain of fraud, “release the kraken” proof for how long now. Meanwhile, people that have been found guilty are getting pardoned left and right for what exactly? Bending over backwards for Trump.. It’s good to know that there’s so little in here that still...
  2. GTI_Jerm

    The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

    Haha @ everyone telling me to run. I do get where you’re coming from, as I have some long time friends that share the same ideology with these anti-maskers. After a while, you come to realize that these people call us sheep, yet they’re the ones so enveloped in these far right conspiracies and...
  3. GTI_Jerm

    The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

    Thanks. My condolences to your family also. Yeah, it’s really a damn shame the the highest office in our government couldn’t lead, but if we’re being realistic, it wasn’t to be expected. COVID really doesn’t register to a lot of these MAGA folks until it hits home. Honestly, how hard is it to...
  4. GTI_Jerm

    The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

    Damn, just stumbled upon this and wonder what kind of bull crap COVID denying has been stated. I've already lost 2 family members under the age of 40 to COVID and I'm in the medical field and see all the chaos that fellow health practitioners have been going through. Imagine feeling oppressed...