Recent content by Nick82098

  1. N

    Wheel spacer suggestions for H&R Sport Springs?

    I dont know if Im not searching for the right things or if the search function just sucks so I apologize if this has already been talked about... My car is lowered on H&R sport springs and im wondering if anyone has any suggestions for what size spacers i should get for my stock lagunas... I...
  2. N

    H&R Sports Installed CSG w/ Lagunas

    I just installed these springs last week and I am pretty happy with them. Install wasn't that bad, I didn't have a strut spreader socket, offset wrench for the top strut bolt, the m14 triple square bit but figured it out.. :happyanim: The ride quality is okay. During "normal driving" its quite...
  3. N

    New Spyder Headlights?

    I just recently came across these headlights and cant seem to find them installed on any cars. They look pretty slick though. Anyone have any experience with them...