CSB3: Forum Discusses Nicknames For Their Wiener And Muds Danger Noodle - Mrs Mud Runs And Hides


Autocross Champion
If $2200 a month for someone else to watch your kid is winning I'd hate to hear what losing looks like
dude childcare costs are insane. and if you had a second child you double that amount. which like yeah seems like what would normally happen but $4500/mo is fucking ridiculous.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do


Autocross Champion
It’s not cheap but idk who the hell Rice was having watch his kid for those kinda prices.


Costs me a 6'er and pack of brats to have my friend watch my dog for a few days when we go out of town
Can Riceburner's kid join your pack of brats? How did you pay your friend with a bunch of kids to watch your dog?


Autocross Champion
It’s not cheap but idk who the hell Rice was having watch his kid for those kinda prices.
its around 2600 a month around here for child care! and that is for bottom of the barrel, paying teenagers to barely keep your kid alive sort of places.

so even at $100/day, for our planned ~3 days a week (which is literally not much at all for the nanny to make) its technically a steal for us, especially considering we know her, she comes to us, on our time, one person watching one child, stuff like that. not some random stranger letting her cry and catch hand foot and mouth on a daycare floor all day.

all in all, should be less than half the price, and all the better.
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Autocross Champion
Watching videos of stg 1 E85 tunes in mk8's. Bonkers that they make so much power with so little mods. Stock clutches are holding it without issues.
I guess the mk7 R clutch works pretty well without AWD.


Autocross Champion
Watching videos of stg 1 E85 tunes in mk8's. Bonkers that they make so much power with so little mods. Stock clutches are holding it without issues.
I guess the mk7 R clutch works pretty well without AWD.

Just going off of Unitronic's page:

Mk6 stg 1: hp goes from 210 to 248 = +38 gain
Mk7 stg 1: from 234 to 297 = +63 gain
Mk8 stg 1: from 266 to 336 = + 70 gain

Firstly - crazy that the stock EA888 gen 4 is now pushing Mk6 Stg1 93oct numbers. Then on top of that, all you need to do to make over 300 crank is change some of the beep boop 0's and 1's?

Car's got to be a hoot.


Autocross Champion
Watching videos of stg 1 E85 tunes in mk8's. Bonkers that they make so much power with so little mods. Stock clutches are holding it without issues.
I guess the mk7 R clutch works pretty well without AWD.
Hol up

(Although he shouldn't be insinuating the tune is at fault because as we know with these platforms it could be plenty of other things)


Autocross Champion
That sucks, though who knows if the tune is directly to blame or not. Either way, I think people assume Stage 1 == automatically safe/full send 100% of the time, and anytime you mess with stuff you're opening up the possibility of failures and being on the hook for them. Though TBH, I didn't know 034 even made tunes for VWs, I thought they were just hardware parts.


Autocross Champion
That sucks, though who knows if the tune is directly to blame or not. Either way, I think people assume Stage 1 == automatically safe/full send 100% of the time, and anytime you mess with stuff you're opening up the possibility of failures and being on the hook for them. Though TBH, I didn't know 034 even made tunes for VWs, I thought they were just hardware parts.
Their mk8 tunes are getting really high marks and positive reviews so far 🤷‍♂️. Although it will be interesting to see if the cause of this guy's issue ends up being the tune, or hardware. Could be rings, injectors, who knows.