CSB3: GROUP BUY - $3 Suckjobs Crafted By Riceburner; Must Have 23 People To Make Happen


Autocross Champion
Buy an RS3, mod it, chronicle the journey. Then sell it.


Autocross Champion
well, my dog was maybe sprayed by a skunk the other night.

walking in from a walk, the house reeked. my wife says 'bad news' and proceeds to say she thinks chooch was sprayed.

so, i go into overdrive mode and proceed to bathe her immediately, in the garage, in an empty moving tote. send wife to pick up dog skunk specific shampoo.

wash her once with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. bathe her again with the shampoo when my wife got back.

aaaand she didn't smell. and now that i think about it, i'm really not sure if she was sprayed or if the smell just got in the house. my wife didn't actually see her get sprayed, but heard her barking outside and thought she was sprayed.


Autocross Champion
well that can't be unseen


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
well, my dog was maybe sprayed by a skunk the other night.

walking in from a walk, the house reeked. my wife says 'bad news' and proceeds to say she thinks chooch was sprayed.

so, i go into overdrive mode and proceed to bathe her immediately, in the garage, in an empty moving tote. send wife to pick up dog skunk specific shampoo.

wash her once with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. bathe her again with the shampoo when my wife got back.

aaaand she didn't smell. and now that i think about it, i'm really not sure if she was sprayed or if the smell just got in the house. my wife didn't actually see her get sprayed, but heard her barking outside and thought she was sprayed.
You'd know it. My dog took a direct hit a few years ago. Nothing worked, she smelled like skunk for weeks, baths every day, all of the internet tricks - nothing worked.


Autocross Champion
Yeah, no chance she was actually sprayed.

Regular soap does nothing.


Autocross Champion
Ok I lied. It might not be that skunky. It's 4-5 month old ground up bud.

I need to go see the doctor and renew my prescription.


Autocross Champion
Swear man, all people wanna know is if something available. I dont get whats so interesting about that.



Autocross Champion
Yeah, no chance she was actually sprayed.

Regular soap does nothing.
thats my opinion. i was like, no, if she was really sprayed theres no way she would already smell fine after two baths lol


Autocross Champion
i always wanted these:

sb dunk 'skunk's. they are ~$2500 on ebay though so thats not gonna happen lol


Autocross Champion
what's the best thing to do to kids that are unruly or screaming and crying the whole time they are in a store? whatever happened to good ole fashioned public whoopings?


Autocross Champion
People will get in your business or take out the phone these days.