Diablo 3


Go Kart Champion
Bought the game, installed it and got it ready....Then went to bed because I had to work this morning and did not want to stay up to 3am to wait for the servers to free up to play which I figured would happen. And, low a behold, most of my friends for about 2 hours after the launch at 3am EST were doing this:

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Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
I bought it this morning on a whim but haven't opened it yet and my friends who planned their vacation days for this weren't blown away. One of them said, "It's...Diablo 2...just with 3D graphics." I LoLed remembering my criticism of Starcraft 2.


Go Kart Champion
Managed to get to level 9 with a friend before getting knocked off the server for the night.

With no real control over skill/builds I think this is going to be a once and done with each class through the story and then shelve it. I wouldn't worry about it eating your life away...


Go Kart Champion
They made it so you can change your builds on the fly when you get higher level so you have more adaptability during battles than just having specialty guys in your group. Not too worried about the skills being pre-set as different armor/items will help offset that depending on the stats the armor/items have.


Go Kart Champion
Meh. What battles are you worried about switching out roles for? It's a point and click dungeon crawler where every class is viable on its own. You don't need a dedicated 'tank' and such.

For a mage in particular, what fun is 2 spells at any given time with a cooldown and clunky interface to change between them.

They dumbed it down significantly. Even from Diablo 1.
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Go Kart Champion
...and by downtime, servers still fucking up..... :paddle:


Go Kart Champion
Finally ordered new sound card for my desktop, so I'll most likely be playing this by the weekend :)


Ready to race!
I just can't decide on what toon to play as my main. I think I will stick with my Barbarian...


Drag Race Newbie
I just can't decide on what toon to play as my main. I think I will stick with my Barbarian...

can't go wrong with a barb. for myself, i wanted to try something different as my main and went with a wizard and it has been pretty fun...currently lvl 50 in hell mode