Do you regularly watch South Park?

Do you watch South Park

  • No: It's just not for me and there's other stuff I'd rather watch.

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • Occasionally: If there's nothing else on I'll sit through an episode.

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • Regularly: I quote it often (if that's a thing).

    Votes: 16 48.5%
  • OMG YES: My DVD collection is specifically mentioned in my will.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Go Kart Champion
I don't have time to sit and watch TV for the most part.

D Griff

Go Kart Champion
I don't have time to sit and watch TV for the most part.

Says the guy with 34k posts on a forum for a car he owned for like one year :lol:

I like South Park quite a bit and watch it weekly or so...


Go Kart Champion
Says the guy with 34k posts on a forum for a car he owned for like one year :lol:

I like South Park quite a bit and watch it weekly or so...



Go Kart Champion
"Boy, I've really done it this time.
I had one simple direction, go that way.
How did I end up getting lost? My amigos were right, I am a lousy Mexican.
They're all livin' the good life while I'm still stuck out here in Mehico.
I am the last of the meheecans."

Wiindoow.. wiiinndoow.

Yep, winder"

Best episode ever. :D


Ready to race!
South Park is cool and all but I'm really diggin Lamb Chops at the moment.


Go Kart Champion
I watched it until like 2010 and then just kind of stopped for no real reason. Come to think of it, I haven't watched Comedy Central since 2010.

I still enjoy American Dad. And Bob's Burgers if I catch it.


Ready to race!
Yes I do. Now they're on Hulu so I watch the all episodes.

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