Radar Detector Selection


Go Kart Champion
Significant other has a $380.00 credit at Best Buy we have decided to use on a radar detector. Neither of us speed in town, basically it will be used on road trips....we live in the west where there are long stretches of vacant roadway, and the urge to go 90, not 70 is great....but not without protection.

At Best Buy, they have the Passport 9500ix, which is highly rated, and "learns" false alarms, etc. etc. for $499 and the Escort 8500 X50, which isn't quite as smart, but may fit the fill we are looking to use it in, long range highway detection, for less $349.

Anyone use these? Thoughts? Opinions?

I would purchase the Escort Redline, allegedly the best performing detector in terms of distance warning, but they don't have that model at best buy.

9500ix or 8500 X50?


New member
i have and have had for years the 8500. wonderful well worth the price. the 9500 is great if you have to deal with speed cams around town and want to get rid of those "false" alarms. but other wise is the same as the 8500. i have gotten a 4 mile heads up from the 8500 which is well beyond radar range. the 9500 speed cam is a subscription based thing and is like $5-10 a month. the only time it has failed me is with laser, which it does not guard against but does tell you if it goes off in your area. any other questions let me know


Ready to race!
The only suggestion I have is the Valentine 1. Get the best and never worry I don't know if Best buy carries it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC


Go Kart Champion
I would go for the 8500 if I were you. The reason is that you only need it for long road trips. You don't need the GPS functionality that the 9500ix offers. The X50 has great range and is extremely popular.


Ready to race!
If it is the new 8500 x50 black, then the only major difference is the gps functionality (lock out false alarms, no alarms under 5mph or something like that, red light cameras, etc), which are nice but not necessary if youre only really using it for long trips. It can also sync with escort live without having to buy a separate ($100) bluetooth adapter - but you'd still have to pay for a subscription, which isnt worth it. If it's the older silver one, then the 9500ix will have better range. How much better? I dunno. So the 9500ix is better, but probably not worth it for you. They are both good choices though.


Go Kart Champion
Since you are using it on the freeway primarily 8500x50 Black would be excellent. The 9500xi is only an x50 black with GPS. The GPS helps zone out false alarms if you drive in town and red light camera.


Drag Race Newbie
9500ix, brosepheous.


Drag Race Newbie
yes, sir. It's damn good.


Go Kart Champion
Ayaihght. I'll mull it over. Probably go 9500ix for the fux of it, gf paying all but 120 bux of it, hey why not the best?;)


Go Kart Champion
have you looked at the redline escort radar?


Go Kart Champion
See in my original post. That's my first choice....just not on the Best Buy menu where I have store credit. I am going to check and see if they can order it although I predict a fail on that mission....