$3.7 billion requested to help illegal immigrants...


Go Kart Champion
Everything I was going to say has been said thoughtfully and artfully. So I'll just MQ a bunch.


Let them die!

:clap: so many children.. Who needs em?

Lots of ways to decrease spending for sure... I still don't see how central Americas children are our problem though. I know, I'm heartless...

We are powerless to do anything though. We in the middle class are probably looking at a 40% tax rate in our lifetimes. There's just no way to avoid it as cutting welfare/assistance programs would turn this country into a war zone.

Don't count on your SS check, then, because it's forecasted to comprise of about 60% of this county's debt by 2050.

But why doesn't faux news attack that?

Okay, this topic's title is very misleading. If you read the CNN article above, it shows how the money is being distributed, and seems as if it is going to help prevent illegal immigrants, and help the legal immigration process. The only money I see which is going to illegal immigrants, is for caring for children who were brought here illegally. Though I disagree with that as well, and they should be sent back, as much as it sucks.


Safety net programs only take about 12% of the national budget.

Old people are the problem. Social Security, Medicare...etc

Yup. Old people stuff. Yey old people!

My issue is when someone like you sees "$3.7 billion requested to help illegal immigrants" you jump on the FoxNews TeaParty bandwagon. Immediately jumping to the simplest conclusion without looking at any of the facts and completely without compassion. You just look for any excuse to be mad at the president instead of trying to think the problem through. Want to make a difference? Present a solution, and no, revolution is not it. We're only as powerless as we allow ourselves to be. This "Obama is communism and repressing the middle class" rhetoric is getting old and only broadcasts your ignorance. Cling to your god and guns, abandon your senses and you will see a 40% tax rate. Think a little bit, get off your burger eating ass and do something, and you won't. But hey, I'm just some guy on the internet.

If you read the article it says that the majority are going to be sent back, but hey, it's easier to call the president names than read isn't it?

So much easy. Thanks, Obama.

butchered by autocorrecr


Go Kart Champion
I did but a VW after all...

Da Dum TSSS!

Nah man, I was speaking a bit general of people. Apologies. I do get tired of the rabble rabble.

I understand and I hate extremists on both sides but wow did you immediately judge me. I couldn't be further from what you described.

I basically think that we are all F'd no matter who is in power and this is the product of the past 40-50 years of gov mistakes. The entire two party system needs how?, I do not know. A gov without party affiliations and governed by real reps from the communities would be a great start. One thing for sure is that the current debt we carry is not sustainable and will most definitely result in higher taxes. To avoid that some very difficult decision will have to be made as heartless as they seem.


Go Kart Champion
SS checks won't be there for us XGC75 at least not in the same amount that we were expecting. An aging and increasingly diseased population will make sure of that. I work in that field and I can assure you that you should not count on SS to provide much, if any, retirement by the time we (20-40 yr olds) can finally retire at 85.


I understand and I hate extremists on both sides but wow did you immediately judge me. I couldn't be further from what you described.

I basically think that we are all F'd no matter who is in power and this is the product of the past 40-50 years of gov mistakes. The entire two party system needs how?, I do not know. A gov without party affiliations and governed by real reps from the communities would be a great start. One thing for sure is that the current debt we carry is not sustainable and will most definitely result in higher taxes. To avoid that some very difficult decision will have to be made as heartless as they seem.

SS checks won't be there for us XGC75 at least not in the same amount that we were expecting. An aging and increasingly diseased population will make sure of that. I work in that field and I can assure you that you should not count on SS to provide much, if any, retirement by the time we (20-40 yr olds) can finally retire at 85.

Yeah, you're right, you actually DO get it. :w00t:

again, apologies.


Go Kart Champion
Merkle I'm going to buy you a "Jump to Conclusions" mat for your door ;)


Merkle I'm going to buy you a "Jump to Conclusions" mat for your door ;)

Maybe I've just seen too many yahoos on this site and have had to clean up too many political threads. :iono:


Go Kart Champion
That's probably part of it but then again a moderate like myself is shocking to find in the wild, in DC, or on the internet. Most people you encounter are super partisan one way or the other. I have family that are extremists in either direction and oh that makes for some fun family get togethers :(


Go Kart Champion
I understand and I hate extremists on both sides but wow did you immediately judge me. I couldn't be further from what you described.

I basically think that we are all F'd no matter who is in power and this is the product of the past 40-50 years of gov mistakes. The entire two party system needs how?, I do not know. A gov without party affiliations and governed by real reps from the communities would be a great start. One thing for sure is that the current debt we carry is not sustainable and will most definitely result in higher taxes. To avoid that some very difficult decision will have to be made as heartless as they seem.
Good riddance two party system! It's so dumb.


Go Kart Champion
I understand and I hate extremists on both sides but wow did you immediately judge me. I couldn't be further from what you described.

I basically think that we are all F'd no matter who is in power and this is the product of the past 40-50 years of gov mistakes. The entire two party system needs how?, I do not know. A gov without party affiliations and governed by real reps from the communities would be a great start. One thing for sure is that the current debt we carry is not sustainable and will most definitely result in higher taxes. To avoid that some very difficult decision will have to be made as heartless as they seem.

Agree. We have the tech to do this these days...

SS checks won't be there for us XGC75 at least not in the same amount that we were expecting. An aging and increasingly diseased population will make sure of that. I work in that field and I can assure you that you should not count on SS to provide much, if any, retirement by the time we (20-40 yr olds) can finally retire at 85.

Obamacare should take care of that. Sick people will never go away but we can at least curb some of the cost of ailment by being proactive about it.

After my uncle went off on how vaccinations are bad I decided to just zip it.

:( So sad. A perfect example of the dangers of modern journalism. You can get people to believe any narrative if you catch them when they're desperate.


Go Kart Champion
Oh no not an anti vaxer in your family :(
Those people have their own level of stupid.