lllechrizll Jun 23, 2015 Hi i was just wondering if you are still running the southbend drop in clutch. and how is it holding up. Did you need to use tob shims
Hi i was just wondering if you are still running the southbend drop in clutch. and how is it holding up. Did you need to use tob shims
V V vcp201083 May 13, 2014 Hello A_Bowers, I like your car! I have a CSG gti too, but my gti is two door. I would you do a question. What is the reference of VWR springs? I want to buy it. Have you any problems with the BBS CK 19x8.5, rub? What size are your tires? Sorry for my bad english.
Hello A_Bowers, I like your car! I have a CSG gti too, but my gti is two door. I would you do a question. What is the reference of VWR springs? I want to buy it. Have you any problems with the BBS CK 19x8.5, rub? What size are your tires? Sorry for my bad english.