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  • Can you please give me a price quote for a spare tire mount sub box for an mk7 golf tdi? The sub I want it for is the jl audio 13tw5v2. I sent you a message threw your website but haven't heard back. Please let me know. Thanks!
    Hey nik -

    I'm planning an install in my 2012 Golf TDI. After hours, and hours, of research, I've decided to *start* with a sub install first. I *think* I have my purchases down, but I was hoping to get your insight.

    I know I will be buying a sub box from you (the one that goes under the floor). I saw in one of your posts that you made a box that also included a space for the RF PBR300X1. I'm assuming this modification still allows for the hatch floor to still be placed on top of it? If so, this will likely be the set up I go with.

    What sub would you recommend? I see that a number of companies make shallow-mount subwoofers now (Pioneer, JL, Dayton, MB Quartz, etc..)

    Finally - could you give me a price quote? I live in Alaska, so shipping is going to be $$$ but I'm ok with that. I think the best method would be USPS Parcel Post.

    I have been looking at your boxes for a while now and just realized that you are in Edmond. How wierd. Just thought i would give you a holler. Still looking at a side hatch mount box maybe with the fixins already installed. Any suggestions and far as driver and amp combinations? I am currently using a less than stellar Infinity Basslink II and would like to get my hatch space back and also use something that secures a little better.

    I work up on 33rd street and santa fe and would love to hook up and check out your boxes. I assume you have one installed in your GTI.

    Thanks bud.

    i have been trying to contact you about purchasing a sub box from you. Do you still check your hotmail account? please get back to me at thanks.
    Hi Mate, Are you happy with your WD6050? Did you fix your whining noise? You ask about Igo 8.3 have you installed it yet? I installed iGo8.3 on my PDA - IMO I think 8.0 is better. Thanks for the answer about the number of Audio out channels - can you control the level of each channel? what about the Sub x-over frequency?

    Cheers Glenn
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